Her nose was suddenly scrunching, she was sniffing, then blinking as her arms stretched out. Blue, green framed by a curtain of thick light lashes was all he could see next, and it had him thanking whatever or whoever was listening that he was blessed to bear witness to someone so exquisite.

“Hi.” She huffed and it was officially the loveliest thing Trey had ever heard.

“Hey, Mayhem.” He breathed and to his surprise, her cheeks pinked. Trey’s eyebrows rose and Maybelle quickly averted her gaze. So, he pinched her chin between his fingers and brought her focus back.

“May, sweetheart, are you embarrassed?” He teased and her cheeks got redder.

Her smile was tight and coy as she whispered, “I just really like that nickname.”

Trey chuckled, pulling Maybelle up his body so they laid nose to nose with her still atop his chest, “Good, because I don’t plan to stop using it.” Maybelle nuzzled into his neck, and he tangled his fingers through her curls.

“As much as I would love to spend the rest of today in this bed with you, we need to talk about everything, and I have something to show you.” Trey informed somewhat reluctantly. Maybelle groaned, her face still buried in the space between his jaw and shoulder, placing kisses in heart racing spots.

Hell, that felt so good. She felt so good. Her soft full lips nipping and caressing up his neck, along his jaw.

“Do we have to?” Maybelle hummed against his Adam’s apple and the vibrations had Trey hissing while his hands found her naked hips.

She was irresistible to him, and she knew it. Trey rolled them, pinning her to the bed beneath him as he claimed her mouth with his in a hot searing kiss. Just a few more seconds, a few more touches. Then she was gasping, and Trey rocketed from the bed in a last-ditch effort of self-control knowing if he didn’t stop, they would remain in this bed the rest of the day and there was too much hanging between them that they needed to discuss.

Trey paced across the room, his hands raking through his hair as he glanced back at Maybelle who pulled the blankets over herself and looked him over with snarky amusement.

“You know I want nothing more than to— to do that.” He said gesturing haphazardly to her and the bed, “But we have a lot to talk about. So, let’s move this to the shower.”

Trey opened the door to the bathroom and started up the shower. When he returned to the bedroom Maybelle had shrunk under the sheets, her face-colored rosy again.

“You coming?” He asked, approaching the bed and the ridiculously sexy woman in it.

Her cheeks were a hot crimson now as Trey tugged at the blanket Maybelle had taken refuge in, her demeanor too similar to that of his Mayhem with high impenetrable walls.

“Oh May, don’t go getting shy on me now.” Trey taunted as he ripped the blankets off. Maybelle squealed but Trey snatched her up in his arms and carried her to the shower kicking and giggling.

Maybelle couldn’t keep her eyes off Trey cooking herbreakfast in hisunderwear. It truly was a sight to behold.

“You know what would make this moment perfect?” Trey asked as he flipped a pancake, the smile on his face stupendously contagious.

Maybelle looked at him expectantly from across the counter where she admired, “What?”

His smile turned impish as he spun fully to her, “You, blessing us with that angelic singing voice and dancing.”

Maybelle’s jaw unhinged, “You jerk! That reminds me, how dare you tell little brain damaged me that I had a good singing voice! I tried out for an a cappella club at the beginning of last year and realized very quickly in front of a not so small audience that I am extremely tone deaf!”

Trey almost dropped the pan as he fell over with stomach cramping laughter, “You’re playing me! Why am I just now hearing about this?” He demanded through his tears of mirth.

“I did not tell a soul!” Maybelle gasped through her now overwhelming cackles, “You think I would admit that humiliation to any of our friends? Especially you! You, Larson, and Williams would have had a hay day dancing all over what was left of my pride while Bear and Penny would have tried to tell me some bullshit about me sounding better than I thought. No, I buried that secret. Had planned to take it with me to the grave.”

Trey stepped toward her, the remnants of his laughter still lingering as he plopped down the plate of pancakes and maple syrup in front of Maybelle and placed a kiss to her temple.

Maybelle dug in and felt she was practically inhaling the hotcakes, but her speed was in no comparison to Trey who honestly, absorbed the food then was up rinsing his dish.

“Wow, what’s the rush?” Maybelle teased bringing one of her last fork-fulls to her mouth.

Trey chuckled, “I told you; we got a lot to talk about and I have something to show you.” He dropped his plate into the sink, turning into the front room, when he returned, he had in his hands the little box. Now that it was light Maybelle could see more clearly that the little container was the old shoe box, she had spied under his bed that one fateful day. Little worn on the corners, and dust across the top with Trey’s fingers smudged in the debris.

Trey returned to his seat next to Maybelle and put the box out in front of her on the counter, “This is for you.” He said simply.

Maybelle’s eyes studied her boyfriend, the box and then her boyfriend again before she finally reached to pull off the lid. Inside was only one item. A brown hard cover spiral bound notebook, one of those you get to take notes in class or use to jot down quick ideas. Maybelle’s attention again darted to Trey who watched her with obvious anticipation.