Maybelle then pointed to a long thin scar in her shin, “I have no idea where the hell this one came from, and I noticed an old scar above my brow right here.” Maybelle put her forefinger to her head blindly, “It’s so old I bet I got it when I was little, maybe fell downstairs or something. I wouldn’t know though.”

Maybelle dropped her hand and turned to look out on the beach, but her chin was pinched between Trey’s fingers, turning her to meet his gaze. His perfect, bright, mesmerizing emerald, green gaze. He wasn’t beaming half as much as before, but a slight smile still tugged one side of his mouth up showing the ghost of a dimple. Trey’s hand moved to cup the back of her neck bringing her forward until his lips pressed into the spot on her forehead, she said the aged scar had been.

When they parted Trey dropped his forehead against hers, “Trey, I didn’t even know my own birthday.” Maybelle whispered and the hand on her nape flexed.

“I know, May. I’m sorry.” He breathed.

Maybelle shook her head and pulled away just far enough to look at Trey, “Don’t you dare be sorry. You have nothing to be sorry for, you are perfect and one of the main reasons I have little to want. You make my life so much better.” She coughed out on a half laugh, half cry shocked by the sudden overwhelming emotions, “I just wish, I knew more. That the last— oh god, I’m twenty years old, right?” Trey chuckled and nodded in confirmation, “I wish the last twenty years of my life weren’t just gone.” She finished.

Trey inhaled deeply before he relocated the items between them out of the way then pulled Maybelle up next to him, his arm snaking around her waist and her head falling onto his shoulder.

“Well, Mayhem, my wish would be to give you those twenty years back if I could, if I could change the past. But my promise to you now is that I will make the next twenty years and forever,unforgettable.” Maybelle nestled into his embrace wiping away the rest of her ebbing tears.

“I know you will, you already are.”

Maybelle and Trey held to one another watching the horizon of sail boats and cruise ships bob about, the seagulls screech, and a family of five making camp not too far up the beach. Really, what more could Maybelle want, especially in a moment like this, her best friend by her side.

It was a weird feeling she couldn’t quite explain, the incessant prickle of unease that she didn’t have a known identity outside of the last few months since waking up from her coma. She wanted to know it all, to know herself, but with the gift of her journal, and Trey helping her every step of the way she would be ok without the memories.She could still live a happy and amazing life without them, and she would. Maybelle sat up and planted a kiss on Trey’s cheek.

“Alright, enough of my depressing shiz. Feed me cake.” She demanded. Trey chuckled and picked up the platter of cake. He grabbed for his fork scooping out a solid bite before holding it up for Maybelle. She moved to accept the bite, but the damned man jerked the fork away last second and smeared the frosting across her nose and up her cheek.

Maybelle gasped, “Excuse me?” Trey bellowed with laughter so Maybelle drug two fingers into the cake and streaked the blue sugary cream through his caramel waves.

Trey shot to attention, a challenge glistening in his eyes, “Oh you asked for it now, sweetheart.” And Maybelle didn’t need any more warning, she was up on her feet and trying to haul ass.

Another thing she could have wished for, functioning legs! She didn’t make it far before Trey was upon her and throwing her over a shoulder. Maybelle squealed as Trey trotted for the waves, splashing into the salty water as he plopped Maybelle on her feet. Maybelle acted fast, cupping a handful of water, and splashing up at Trey who took it in stride. He shook his head, his waves tossing, the blue frosting whipping away and the distraction was enough. Maybelle was too busy gawking to be ready for Trey grappling for her again, his large arm wrapped her up and pulled her deeper into the waves with him.

Right then, Maybelle had an uncomfortable realization and latched to Trey like a wet rat, “Uhm, hey just a thought but I don’t know if I know how to swim.”

Trey stopped, granted the water was only tall enough to reach his hips but with the pursuing and pulling of the waves Maybelle didn’t want to take any chances. Trey adjusted her around his front, so her legs encircled his waist, and his hands held her up, under the skirt of her dress, cupping the bare skin of her backside, the act hidden by the dark blue of the rocking sea.

“Well, if it means I can continue holding you like this,” Trey punctuated with a squeeze, “Then you’ll never learn howto swim.” Maybelle swatted at him playfully and the anxiety of drowning was soon forgotten as Trey held her above the waves and kissed her.

36 I Want to Live

Thanksgiving had come and gone, and everything was going so freaking great until Trey realized his amazing, beautiful, incredible girlfriend was avoiding him. Maybelle had seemed totally fine that morning during their walk, great actually. She had finally managed a solid jog without looking like an eighty-year-old woman that was plagued with hip and knee arthritis. Maybelle had been on cloud nine, even ended their walk a little early so they could go on a quick coffee date before they both had to split ways to take on their busy schedules.

Maybelle hated texting, she’d rather call so Trey rarely texted her throughout the day except for quick check ins and to plan out their nights and what not. He texted her earlier to let her know he would be with the boys tonight. Larson was feeling left out since Bear, Trey and now Williams were all busy with their girlfriends so they all agreed it would be a guys’ only night.

Maybelle had read the message, but never replied. If she was upset, Maybelle would say something so Trey guessed she was too busy to respond at the moment. He counted himself a very lucky man that when it came down to it, his girl wasn’t petty enough to torture him with the silent treatment when he screwed up on occasion. If Trey pissed her off, he would know because Miss Maybelle would be chewing his ass out loudenough for there not to be any confusion on the matter.

If Maybelle wasn’t responding, there was a practical reason.

Except a couple hours later— there was still no response. She would be heading to work about now so he tried to call her, maybe catch her before her shift to say hi and check in. He was sent straight to voice mail.

Now that was weird.

Feeling at a loss, Trey called the next best option, Penny.

Only problem, Penny too was being stonewalled by their Maybelle. Something was definitely off, and Trey was on the verge of panic. Anxiety and stress expanded and stretched wide in his chest, the pressure making it impossible to breathe correctly. He would have tried to catch Maybelle at her apartment, but Penny was keeping watch there and even after Maybelle’s shift had ended two hours prior, she was nowhere to be seen. The desperation in his throat was so thick, Trey struggled speaking coherent sentences when he called Maybelle’s work to find out she had, in fact, made it to her shift and left when she was off.

Trey could hear his brothers all making their way into the living room, readying to go out, planning for who would drive.

“Get your ass out here, Turner!” Larson hollered, his voice loud enough to vibrate the walls of the small apartment.

Trey exited his bedroom, fully intending to come up with an excuse about too much homework and needing to stay behind but freaking Bear, the guy saw and felt too damn much.

“What’s wrong?” Bear asked as soon as Trey was visible from the hall. The man had a sixth sense and it unnerved Trey, but not enough for him to lie. Maybe one of them had heard from his girl.