“If I say yes does that mean we are finally good?” Trey asked over his shoulder as he folded his clothes and placed them into his dresser drawers.

“Oh bro, we have been good since you said sorry. But you were so willing to do anything for me, I milked the shit out of it. We are chill, just don’t be such an ass in the future.” Williamsclapped him on the back and Trey rolled his eyes, “You know I would never play one of my boys like that. Bros before hoes, always.”

“Watch it.” Trey warned.

Williams let out a hearty chuckle, “Awe, he’s the overprotective, touchy type.” Williams teased. “Calm down, you know I have nothing but all the love and respect for MandM.”

Trey quirked a brow, “MandM?”

Williams smacked his lips together, “Cute huh? Came up with it myself. Also, I should probably mention Miss MandM has been chilling in the living room with Larson and I for the last twenty minutes.”

“And you’re just now telling me?” Trey tossed the shorts he was folding haphazardly into the open drawer as he pushed past Williams eager to see his girl.

Trey entered the living room, Williams behind him muttering something about him being whipped, to Larson laughing his ass off over a video he was showing Maybelle, while she blatantly grimaced, “Come on May, that is some funny shit right there!” Larson said and Maybelle gave him a scrutinized side eye.

Trey could see the insult brewing in her eye, so he quickly intervened, if only to save Chad’s pride and them all from a bicker session between the two.

“Mayhem.” Trey greeted cheerfully.

Maybelle whipped her head to him, a beaming smile overtaking the scowl she had for Larson.

Trey couldn’t help but puff out his chest a bit more because of it. He held his hand out to Maybelle, she immediately accepted, and he pulled her up, sat himself in her spot on the couch then planted her fine ass on his lap where it belonged. As Maybelle nuzzled up against him, Trey kissed the back of her neck.

“Alright jackasses, way to make me feel single as hell.” Larson lamented, standing from the couch, smacking Williams's shoulder as he passed him in the hall.

Williams was smiling something devious as he said, “MandM, and TNT! Damn, I’m good.”

Then he too was gone down the hall with no further explanation, leaving Trey and Maybelle staring after him curiously.

“You have some weird friends.” Maybelle speculated and Trey chuckled into her hair.

“We— we have some weird friends.” Trey corrected. Maybelle snorted but didn’t argue.

Trey took a tuft of Maybelle's hair, winding it around his finger, “You got work off tomorrow like I asked, right?”

Maybelle shimmied her hips and Trey flinched at the reaction his body gave her intoxicating movements under his pants.

“Easy, woman.” He gritted out and she giggled.

“Yes, I got work off and made sure all my homework got done for this surprise day you have planned. Are you going to tell me what this is all about yet?” Maybelle asked as she snuggled in deeper into his embrace, leaned her head back onto his shoulder, tilting so she could place soft, delicate kisses across his jaw line.

Evil temptress.

Trey stifled a groan as his hands inched up her waist, “If I tell you, that will ruin the surprise.” He ground out, tone quiet and strained.

Maybelle's hands joined with his as she guided his caresses up and down her body to the places that got them both breathing a little harder.

“Please.” Maybelle whispered against Trey’s ear and his body trembled with a ruckus of shivers.

Holy Hell.

Trey abruptly pushed Maybelle to her feet and tugged her toward his room, “Uhm— what are we doing?” She asked and Trey grinned something mischievous.

“You beg, I oblige.” He said simply.

“That’s not what I was sayingpleaseto.” Maybelle argued as Trey shoved her into the room and shut the door.

“You and I both know that’s not true. Now, clothes off, baby.”