Maybelle licked her lips, her hand clutching the bedroom doorknob, “A distraction.” She breathed watching Trey’s every twitch, jaw tick and heavy breaths.

“A distraction from what?” He prodded.

No, she had the upper hand here, she taught him the lesson, she was supposed to have the last word, he was not going to spin this on her. He knew exactly what she wanted a distraction from.

She wanted to be stubborn, walk out without answering him, but she had decided three weeks ago that she wantedthis. No more pretending. If she was going to have Trey, she needed to start being honest with him, honest with herself.Fine, she’ll be honest, but that didn’t mean she had to be nice about it.

“You, you dumbass.” Maybelle bit, as she turned the doorknob and made to leave but Trey was there, he was everywhere, wedged between Maybelle and the door.

His hands were twisting into the hem of her shirt, gripping her to him. Her breathing was deep, quick. Each breath, each second and each pull closer had her pressing into Trey’s chest. He seemed to notice too as his green eyes fixated on how her body heaved with each inhale and exhale.

“You mean to tell me, that you let me go on believing that you and my best friend slept together to teach me a lesson about communication?” Trey asked, his grasp on her shirt went taut against her back, leaving absolutely no room between them, making their bodies line up and put pressure against each sensual curve of their hips, their legs.

Maybelle smirked up at Trey, refusing to allow him to see just how flustered and hot she was feeling up against him like this, “It worked, didn’t it?” She snarked, albeit half-heartedly, “Something had to be done, the miscommunication trope is the worst one and yet it is the trope we tend to sport the most. I was hoping after this little lesson we could do a bit better at listening more and a lot less assuming.” Maybelle finished with as much sugary sweetness in her voice she could muster as she brought her face closer to his, permitting him the ability to meet her if he would just come a little bit lower, little bit closer.

Feeling somewhat off-kilter as she inhaled and absorbed Trey’s spicy, cinnamon-sweet aroma in her senses, grasping with one hand she latched onto the waistband of his sweats to stabilize herself, the other hand was still unfortunately preoccupied with holding her books.

The smile that spread across Trey’s face was infatuating as one of his hands slid up her torso, to her chin where his whole, large hand engulfed her jaw, “May, are you using book-talk terms to break down the issues of our relationship right now?” He snickered, tilting her head back farther with an impish smile painted to his lips.

“It’s pretty hot when I talk nerd with you, huh?” She teased, her words coming out a lot raspier than she had intended.

Chuckling, Trey used his free hand to pull the books from her grasp, setting them on his dresser, “Mayhem, everything you do is pretty damn hot. Even you thinking those raunchy books you read somehow count towards you being a nerd is hot.” With both hands back, holding her in some way or another, Trey nestled his mouth into that newly exposed area of her throat. His lips were on her neck, trailing up until he nipped at the lobe of her ear.

Maybelle jerked away, “And how would you know the mature rating of any of the books I read?” She asked, well, more like sighed breathlessly.

Trey pulled away, only far enough for Maybelle to clearly make out the dark patches of forest green against the viridescent lighting of his eyes, “I know because any book I see you reading, I buy, and I read it too.” He confessed.

Maybelle eyed him, her fingers tangling with the material of his incredibly soft shirt, “Bullshit, I snooped all over this room, and I didn’t see any books.”

Trey’s eyebrows rose but not out of surprise, they rose ina silent,of course you did,before he nodded to the nightstand next to his bed Maybelle had in fact missed out on scouring due to Trey being sick and interrupting her search, “I have a kindle, it’s in the bottom drawer and believe me when I tell you, I have readeverybook you have.”

Oh… Ohhh… Oh gosh.

“Why?” She asked.

Trey’s smile never faltered as he said, “Because I want to know you, May. I want to know the things you like, love, hate and dream about. I want to know what entertains you or gets your heart going faster. I want to know what makes you, you.”

Maybelle’s mouth gaped wide open, she couldn’t keep her cool now, Maybelle shamelessly blushed and admired the man still drawing her against himself because this big, old, athletic, muscled man had read every little smutty romance she had, merely because he had seen her reading it, “Ok, Turner, I’ll admit, that’s sexy but again, I have to ask, why?”

Those eyes were tearing into her again, returning with the tight, heavy feeling of the moment between them. Trey looked at her like she may be the only way to breathe as he held to her and said, “Because I fell in love with you.”

Trey’s words escaped him like a long held in breath and Maybelle wanted to kiss the words from his lips so she could know the genuine, passionate taste of them, but she paused before giving into the unmistakable draw toward the man who held to her like he may never let her go, “Youfellin love with me? You mean before— before I lost the memories?”

The answer to this question was essential, dire, because Maybelle knew from reading her journal, from stories and their friends that she was far from the same girl who had originally fallen asleep all those months ago. Was Trey in love with a memory she did not possess or the woman who woke up?

“May, I fell in love with you while you were sleeping.”Trey said and moved before she got the chance to react or quip some joke about comparing him to Edward Cullen that absolutely would have ruined the moment as he reached back and held up her little, priceless journal for her to see.

“Before your accident I had the biggest crush on you, but that is all it was. I hardly knew you but after you fell asleep and I stumbled upon this,” He said as he shook the book with emphasis, “I fell in love with you, your mind, your heart. The more I got to know about you the more I fell helplessly in love, and I fall more everyday because you woke up the woman I learned about through the pages of this book. You are a rarity, May, that I want to continue to learn about, study and understand every moment of everyday for the rest of my life.”

Maybelle was spinning at unearthly speeds, flying above the clouds, and falling from dizzying heights. She may not remember loving anyone in her life, may not remember any past crushes or relationships but in this moment, she knew without a doubt that she had never been more loved than the way Trey Turner loved her, and she loved him right back. She loved his overprotectiveness, his passionate character, his ability to piss her the hell off but most of all his loyalty, his devotion to her.

To a woman he was never committed to but planned to love and cherish even when she didn’t return those feelings. The way he cared so deeply he would sacrifice anything for her without hesitation and with a smile on his face.

“I wasn’t pretending.” Maybelle quietly released into the slowly shrinking space between them and Trey’s eyes went wide with her honesty, “I’m yours, Trey. I have always been yours.”

The deep, weight-relieving sigh Trey let out had him melting in to her more as he murmured against her hair, “I have waited so long for this.” Trey’s hands encircled her, and he molded her against him, their foreheads now resting against one another.

“I’m going to kiss you now, May.” He said gruffly, and Maybelle smiled as she tied her own arms around his neck.