“He’s sweet.” Was the first thing she got out and immediately regretted it because it was only in answer to what he asked aloud.

“Sweet?” Trey scoffed.

“What’s wrong with sweet?” She shot back.

A glint of mischievous discernment shown in Trey’s eyes, “You don’t want just sweet, May. You like a challenge.” As he said this, he took a step toward her.

“You want confidence.” He said with another stride that made her whole-body tremble.

Another long step.

Only inches laid between them, and Maybelle refused to back down.

“You want someone who can keep up with you.” Trey pressed in so close that she couldn’t help but fall back into the truck door that she was now pinned against.

Maybelle didn’t take her eyes from his as she whispered defiantly, “He kissed me.”

Trey visibly shuddered, “I know.”

He placed his hands by both sides of her face against the car door.

“It was nice.” Maybelle said, instantly biting her bottom lip, filled with contrition as Trey’s mouth tilted up to show off one dimple.

“Nice?” He snarked. “How romantic. That’s how I would describe a spring day, not a good kiss but to each his own.”

“You’re being a jerk.” Maybelle huffed crossing her arms over her chest like the added barrier between their bodies could soothe her rapidly beating heart.

Trey chuckled, the laughter sounding more forced and frustrated than amused. Taking a step back Trey looked Maybelle up and down, his gaze falling heavily on her lips.

“And how would you have described our kiss?”

Maybelle couldn’t help it, the question triggered words to the front of her thoughts likemind melting, devastating, addictive, and so many more but her lips remained sealed. She refused to speak, knowing she’d say something damning if she did.

Trey’s grin widened, “That’s what I thought.”

Maybelle snorted, “I didn’t say anything.”

“You didn’t have to.” Was all he said before Bear came around the corner serving as a welcome interruption.

His focus darted between them wearily, “Hey May, I’m here to take you home.”

Maybelle blushed realizing she was still pressed into the truck even though Trey stood about a yard away from her.

“Please don’t feel like you have to leave early because of me.” Maybelle offered Bear but he only waved her off.

“No, I should be thanking you for the escape. There was a drunk girl in there asking if she could try braiding my beard.”

Despite the tension between her and Trey, Maybelle’s smile twitched up as Bear stroked his beard protectively with a large paw-like hand.

“Ok, maybe we can grab some food on the way back? I’m starving.” She obviously would be leaving, and not because Trey insisted, but because she was exhausted and so done with the shit show.

Bear smiled, “Absolutely.” He agreed, “Text me when the other guys are done, and I’ll be back to pick you up.” Bear directed to Trey as he stepped into the driver seat while Maybelle had to leap into the passenger seat.

She made to shut the door, but Trey was there holding the door open, a smirk playing on his lips. Maybelle scowled at him, and his smirk flinched against a stifled chuckle.

“Goodnight, Mayhem. Also, we are tutoring tomorrow morning after our walk, don’t be late.” And before she could even exhale her rebuttal, the door clapped shut.

“I hate him.” Maybelle grumbled, slumping into her seat.