Maybelle pointed her attention to the woman directly in front of her, she already knew that Trey would not be totally on board for this right away. He would want her to be kept safe at home, probably even if it meant she felt caged.
So right now, Chelsea’s opinion and approval mattered more than anything. Chelsea had helped and pushed her so much so far, if she really didn’t think Maybelle was ready for this, Maybelle would listen.
Chelsea’s soft considering face studied Maybelle intently, “Will you be living close to Trey?” Chelsea finally asked, her lilting voice taking on concern.
Maybelle nodded, “I believe it’s less than a five-minute walk from his place.” She turned to Trey, but he didn’t confirm, deny, or show any signs he was actually listening to the conversation besides the intensity in his stare.
Maybelle twisted back to Chelsea, leaving Trey to his stewing thoughts. The worry lines in Chelsea’s face had softened a fraction but her lips still held tight in consideration, she squirmed in her chair just before letting out a deep breath, “Just one more thing,” Chelsea added her eyes full of shy caution, “you will still come back home to visit, right? Because I’m not changing that room, that belongs to you, and I’d love to see you in there reading your books on weekends when you’re not busy and continue our romcom marathons together.”
Maybelle choked back the sudden emotion that threatened to launch her into a full-blown sob.
Chelsea always managed to say certain things that made Maybelle so damned emotional it was embarrassing. Maybelle couldn’t quite explain why but she imagined it had to do with the overwhelming acceptance and love she felt from Chelsea that meant the absolute world to her.
Chelsea had become a friend, confidant, and nurturer in a way she imagined a mother would be like, “Of course.” She tried to say in a normal tone, but the words escaped on an emotionally sputtered whisper.
This was all Chelsea needed, her uncertainty immediately broke into a bright beam, “How exciting,” Chelsea exclaimed, “this is such fun news, I am so proud of you. And now I have two college kids to brag about to my friends.”
Chelsea gestured for Maybelle’s plate, Maybelle handed it to her, and Chelsea dished a beautiful helping of the pasta. Chelsea then reached for Trey’s plate, dishing him up as well.
“It will be nice to have you both driving home together for the weekend instead of you making that drive alone each time, Trey.” Chelsea acknowledged as she returned him his dinner plate.
Maybelle finally shifted her attention back to Trey who was still watching her, thoughts obviously roiling silently behind his emerald eyes.
Before he finally answered Chelsea his dark framed green focus slipped down Maybelle to her hands that sat folded on her lap. The old, healing scrapes on her palms burned, like the attention on them brought back all the stinging feelings from her fall a week ago outside his apartment.
Her cheeks went hot with embarrassment, he never should have caught her that morning. It was humiliating enough that she ate asphalt in front of a sweet old couple on their morning walk, but for Trey to have found out about it by catching her trying to sneak back into his apartment… she felt like such an idiot.
Maybelle tucked her hands under her legs which seemed to break Trey’s trance, his concentration shifted into a half-assed grin that didn’t meet his eyes, “Yes, that drive definitely won’t be as lonely.” His tone edged on sarcasm, but he didn’t say more, only dug into the food in front of him, avoiding Maybelle’s gaze.
The rest of dinner was spent with Maybelle explaining the job she had lined up working with Penny, Chelsea and her planning a shopping trip to get room decor, clothes, and other necessities she would need in her new apartment.
Maybelle’s heart was full to bursting as she and Chelsea schemed together.
Trey excused himself early from the table to shower while Maybelle and Chelsea chatted for a while longer then eventually made their way to the couch to watch a movie about a woman pretending to be the fiancé of a man who was in a coma, later falling in love with his brother.
Maybelle couldn’t help but shake her head at the relatability she had with the man in the coma who later woke with “amnesia”. Mans had the busted noggin, probably a crud-ton of medical bills and then didn’t get a happy ending with Sandra Bullock?
He was a victim and Maybelle couldn’t help but feel a tad bit the victim to life’s cruelty herself.
Chelsea didn’t stay long enough to finish the movie, she had to change into her scrubs and head to her shift at the hospital so Maybelle finished out the movie alone wallowing in the weird feelings of realizing she might be the poor side character of her own story that falls into a coma with a broken brain only to fade off into the background while the two smoking hot main characters fall in love and go to the freaking football banquet together, get married and live happily ever after. The end…
The phone only rang once before Penny picked up, “Excuse me, where have you been? It was cruel making me wait for an update this long.” Penny whined over the phone.
“Sorry Penn, Chelsea and I watched a movie after we planned a big ole shopping trip to get me everything, I will need to be a college student!” Maybelle announced and Penny squealed, the pitch making Maybelle’s ear drums ring.
“Oh, my gawd, Bells! I am so stinking excited! This is going to be the best semester yet, mark my words!”
Penny was practically screaming over the line and Maybelle couldn’t help the giggling excitement that bubbled from her. She had no doubt in that promise.
Their conversation was cut too short when knuckles rocked against her bedroom door. Seeing as she and the hottie lamati football player were the only one's home she heaved a tight breath before she bid Penny goodnight and called, “Come in!” To Trey who stepped into her room, his facial features stiff.
Trey was dressed in black sweats and a white tank top that did all the right things for his bronzed upper body.
Ugh, this was torture not being able to touch someone so pretty. Well, it was self-inflicted torture, so she had no right to complain but it still sucked.
“You still on the phone?” Trey asked, his tone dull.
“I was talking to Penny, but we are done.” Maybelle answered.