He could move slowly if that is what she needed. He could be patient. He waited by her bed patiently for a damned year, he could handle being her friend and regrowing their connection at her pace.

Trey brushed his hands over his face groaning with exhaustion. They had to be ok. They would be ok.

But what she said about losing him and Chelsea came rocketing back. Maybelle was scared, she was scared to ruin things so badly she would lose the only family she had. Could he really tease that line of her anxieties?

At that moment the front door crept open as… Maybelle, snuck in and let the door click closed before she finally turned around to see she wasn’t alone.

She jumped when she at last saw Trey sitting up on the couch, “Damnit, I really need to get better at that.” She huffed through her startled breath.

Trey couldn’t help the smile Maybelle always seemed to pull from him, even if she did just suffocate and smother his heart with a pillow last night.

Then it dawned on him— why the hell was she outside at this time in the morning and why was she sneaking?

Trey’s smile fell as he stood to his full height, “What were you doing outside?” He inquired as he leaned his hip against the kitchen counter.

Maybelle stared back at him, her lips pinching together and folded her hands behind her back. The effort she was putting into finding an excuse was obvious and kind of adorable.

After a few beats of waiting silence Maybelle finally answered, “Uhm, I was just on a walk.” She replied abashed.

Trey quirked a suspicious brow at her, and she avoided his look.He took a step forward and her big eyes met his. Trey’s grin tipped at the sight of her still reacting to his every move.

“Mayhem, I’m your friend, you can tell me where you were sneaking off to this morning.” He couldn’t help the twinge of sarcasm in his tone.

Maybelle squirmed under his scrutiny, her hand came up to tuck a lock of hair behind her ear and that’s when Trey saw red.

He was upon her in one long stride.

Maybelle backed up completely flush against the door as he pulled her hand out from behind her back and up for him to see.

Her palm was ripped up with small rocks and dirt poking from the crevices of cut and shredded skin.

Trey held tight to the hand he was already inspecting as he reached with his other hand around Maybelle’s back to pull free the other palm that was also marred and torn. She squeaked but Trey ignored her as he held and studied both her injured hands.

“What the hell happened?” His question coming out as more of a command. Instead of shrinking at his tone Maybelle scrunched her nose up at him.

Defiance radiated from her as she stared at him, “Nothing, I tripped. That’s all.” She bit and tried to pull her hands back but Trey’s grip on her didn’t falter. He lifted her arms a bit more, her sleeve falling back revealing a bandage on her elbow.

Trey’s focus darted to the wound and Maybelle huffed an annoyed breath. Trey shifted his hold onto her one forearm allowing him the mobility to turn her slightly, still pressedagainst the door, giving him access to peer just under the bandage.

Barely a day-old nasty scrape was there tainting her perfect skin. Trey then remembered the sight of her scuffed up knees from yesterday. He had meant to ask about it but with everything that happened he didn’t get the chance.

What the hell was she doing to herself?

Trey pressed Maybelle’s back against the door again, barring her in with his hands on either side of her face, “Maybelle, sweetheart, I’m going to need you to start explaining right now and no lying, please.” He gritted out.

Trey tried to keep his cool, to be patient and show restraint but his girl was hurt, and she was keeping it from him!

Maybelle remained bold as she licked her lips, gaze locked with his, “I was practicing.” She stated plainly but her brows rose in challenge. And just like that he was back to that first week, terrified of his fragile Maybelle, breaking, or falling asleep. Seeing the tumbled bookcase and that angry, purple bruise against her beautiful skin.

Trey dropped his head against the door, his forehead just above Maybelle’s shoulder. This woman was going to be the actual end of him. He sucked in a couple deep breaths before he pulled back slightly, only to look her in both eyes.

“So, you were out there on the streets alone, practicing walking, by yourself, before the sun was up? Am I correct?” His question came out from some place in the back of his throat.

Maybelle nodded coolly.

“Have you been doing this back at the house or just here?” He asked, his hackles rising with each deep breath.

Maybelle adjusted under him, “I go out every night to walk after Chelsea goes to work or bed. I’ve been fine though.” She puffed out the last part, her breathing having quickened.