Bear was the first to speak after sucking in a tight breath through his teeth, “Are you ok?”

Bear, always going straight to the feelings and shit.

Trey waved him off, “I’m fine, but I won’t be if I can’t go make sure she’s ok.” It was driving him insane to be stuck out here while she was all alone in his room, thinking Trey would ever kiss a girl other than her.When in reality, there wasn’t another woman on Trey’s plane of existence that he saw or thought about, there wasonlyMaybelle.

Williams slapped a hand on his shoulder, “I am going to be totally honest and not sugar coat anything because I love you, but without knowing everything you just said that whole spectacle looked pretty damn bad, Turner. Give her some space, if you need to talk to her, fine, but be patient. Maybelle was pretty upset; she didn’t talk the whole way home and locked herself in your room as soon as we got back.”

God, this night just kept getting worse.

Trey put his face in his hands again, muffling his loud frustrated groaning.

He needed to at least try.

Trey slowly stood from the couch and sucked in a stabilizing breath, “Pray for me boys, I’m going in.”

Trey was already down the hallway when Larson called out from behind him, “God speed, brother.”

Trey reached his bedroom door and softly knocked three times. He paused, nothing. He clicked his knuckles across the door three more times, and he finally heard a soft, “Come in.”

It was cold and he was sweating profusely.

Trey nudged the door open to see Maybelle sitting on the edge of his bed, hair damp from the shower, dressed in a fitted, white tee and black yoga pants.

She didn’t look at him as he entered. Trey let the door shut behind him but instead of approaching her further he leaned his back against the door.

“Can we talk, May?” He asked lowly, quietly, as if he might scare her off if he spoke louder. Maybelle sat straight up all of a sudden, turning to meet his gaze with a small smile plastered on her lips that didn’t meet her eyes.

“Sure.” She replied, her tone chipper which terrified him more than if she were holding a knife and staring at him quietly in the corner. Maybelle patted the mattress next to her, inviting him to join her.Trey cautiously approached, settling himself next to her on the bed. She watched his every step, every breath.

Maybelle sat herself sideways so she could fully face him, that fake smile still holding strong, “What would you like to talk about?” She asked in a heavily forced sing-song voice.

Trey dragged his hands across his pants, he was dripping with perspiration and nerves. He cleared his throat, “I wanted to explain what happened tonight. Juliette, she—”

Maybelle cut him off with an eager wave of her hand, “Oh Trey, please, you don’t have to explain.” She said earnestly.

Trey quirked a brow.


Of course, he needed to explain.

He opened his mouth to try again but Maybelle interrupted before he could, “There’s nothing to explain because you don’t owe me anything, Trey. We kissed a couple times, that’s it, it’s not like we were official or anything.” She said so nonchalantly like Trey’s world wasn’t falling apart with every word coming out of her mouth.

A couple kisses and that was it?

Is that really all she thought they were?

Had he fumbled? Had he not made himself obvious?

“No, May, we are a lot more than a couple kisses.” He insisted but Maybelle was already shaking her head.

“Trey, we barely know each other. For crying out loud, I don’t even know your middle name.”

She turned her head right then squeezing her eyes shut before returning back to continue, “I just think we need to start over. Get to know each other. Be friends.”

He was losing her; she was going behind walls.

Not those same massive cement walls from before when she completely cut herself off from the world, but walls built only for him. More like a picket fence he could see all the beautiful fields and wildflowers through, but it had a big sign that said,No Trespassing. A sign and fence meant only to keep him out and at arm's length.