Was she that obvious?

Yeah, probably, she didn’t quite care if she was though.

She followed Noah down the field, holding to the hem of his sweaty jersey so they wouldn’t get split up, toward one of the field goal posts. When they broke through the crowd to the outskirts of the field, she and Williams both abruptly stopped.

The sight before her was grotesque and made her belly ache with the most horrible feelings as she watched one of her most favorite people in the world,herTrey, kissing the squeaky voiced annoying, legs for days cheerleader, Juliette.

25 Game On

The tailgate party was a chaotic mess, first Trey was ripped from Maybelle and cornered by Juliette who refused to let him leave. She kept bringing up the upcoming football banquet, how he would need a date and a load of other shit he couldn’t care to pay attention to. Trey only focused on searchingfor his Maybelle in the crowd and when he finally saw her stomping up to him and the cheerleader, confidently strutting as she whipped her curls over a shoulder he almost fell to his knees before her.

His powerful, feisty little woman approached the situation that probably didn’t look too good for him, and she emanated control and that sexy as hell sass that had his mouth watering.

Juliette was quick to flee the scene and it made him that much hotter and heavier for his golden-haired girl.

After the cheerleader bailed, he could see that what happened affected Maybelle more than she was letting on. He wanted to hold her, comfort her, tell her there was nothing to worry about but all too soon he was pulled away again with the team and she to the bleachers.

The scrimmage was a blast and the perfect start to a season he and his team planned to dominate. Trey and his boys were hyped up and ready for their best season yet. Bear laid waste to their opponent’s defensive line, Larson was a commanding voice that worked well with the quarterback, his co-captain, to lead the team through. Even Williams got to take to the field for the first time this season as second string QB and he proved to the coaches, the team and the rest of the school that he was far from a failed investment.

Trey even suspected that Williams would have a shot at first string by next season. Liam would be proud.

The game ended and the field was rushed by friends, families and coaches. Trey meandered about the flood of bodies, looking for Maybelle, saying hi and acknowledging the families of his brothers as they approached him, but he kept it brief.

Heneededhis Maybelle, to hold her, get her home, spend some much-needed time with her and fix this confusion she had. Oh, he’d fix it alright, he planned to show her justhow not confusing his feelings for her were, to kiss, tease and absolutely love all the doubt away because that’s what this was for him.

This was love, Mayhem Mason was his, his end game and he’d make sure there was no reason for her to ever doubt that.

His head was on a swivel as he made his way to the outside of the crowd, hopefully to get a better visual of the whole mass of people.


A whole-body cringe overtook him, he knew exactly who’s nasally squeal that belonged to and he had to do everything he could to quell his audible grimace.

Trey turned around to see a flash of a blue and gold cheer uniform before arms noosed around his neck and his face was being devoured, assaulted, his lips sucked right off his face.

His body tensed and his lips were stationary as his brain tried to catch up with the attack. Trey latched onto the hips of his assailant grabbing, pushing, fighting the urge to chuck her like a damned rag doll.

Finally getting his face free from the steel trap lips smeared in red lipstick, Trey’s vision was filled with Juliette’s angular face and the rest of the cheer team now circling them, shaking their pompoms enthusiastically like they were cheering him on for being a victim to this woman’s vicious advances.

He needed a way out; he needed a way out. All the noises around him were a blurb of ruckus, the only distinct sound he could make out was the shouting of his name.

“Trey!” Juliette called over the tittering and cheering of the pompom girls around them, “Be my date to the football banquet!”

The proposal sounded a lot more like a command than an invitation and Trey had no doubt Juliette intended for itto come off that way. The cheerleaders stopped shaking their sparkly pompoms, and everyone went eerily quiet to hear his answer.

So many eyes were on him.

Trey couldn’t make out any familiar, friendly faces in the surrounding crowd.

He was stuck.

Completely lost, stunned, horrified, too many people watching, at a loss Trey managed to bob his head slowly up and then down. Juliette’s freakishly long arms tied around his neck once again as she reached for another smack on the lips, but he was prepared this time and dodged with the turn of his head, letting her land one on his lower cheek.

She giggled, squealed, and bounced her way to the other girls without another word to him and as they all trotted away more of the faces in the gathering around him came into focus.

Maybelle’s face was hard, eyes misty, as she held to William’s arm like he was an anchor keeping her stable in the tsunami of emotions that were marring her bright features.

Oh— oh hell.