From her peripheral, Maybelle could tell Trey was now leaning over the kitchen counter that stood between them, resting his forearms on the flat space. Each of his movements exuded confidence, pride and strength. There was no doubting that this boy was capable, intelligent, incredible in anything he said or did. Why couldn’t she be more like that?

“Why not? This istheparty, even bigger than prom.” Trey argued.

Maybelle shrugged her shoulders, unsure of what to do with herself, “I am not a huge fan of parties.”

That was a lie.

She just wasn’t a fan of making herself look like a loser by showing up alone, which would absolutely happen because Maybelle was a friendless turd.

“Oh, come on, Mayhem. I get it if other parties, even prom had been beneath you and not worth your time, but you cannot miss tonight. You’ll regret it if you don’t go.” The smile in Trey’s voice made her want to giggle— or barf. A lot of confusing and warring emotions were happening all at once in her muddled thoughts.

All because of him.

She was an obsessive psycho for this guy and why?

Well, one, look at him!

He is beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, heaven sent, breath-taking, jaw dropping, downright unreal. And two, he is kind, personable, a friend toall. Trey had all the looks and a solid side of stunning personality to go with it.

And maybe it was the way he had looked at her the day they first met all those long months ago. The way he had opened her car door for her, had smiled so sweetly and told her he thought she was pretty. Maybelle had fallen hard that hot, summer day between their sophomore and junior years when she had been picking up Liam from a weeklong, football camp.

She had been dressed in a lazy pair of soft jean shorts and a blue tee with her hair in a sleep-crazed knot on the top of her head and that crazy, attractive boy had told hershewaspretty.

It was a wild phenomenon Maybelle couldn’t understand and refused to believe in, so she ducked her head and ran, never stopping. From that day on, Maybelle continued to run anytime he so much as looked at her, let alone tried tospeak to her. Trey had only been trying to be nice to his new best friend’s sister, why else would he want to waste any of his energy on her?

Why tell her she was pretty when she clearly was a mess?

Maybelle peered up from her hands that folded together apprehensively as she recalled the long-ago, shoved away memories, “I don’t know, we will see how tonight goes.” She conceded.

Trey’s lips turned up into a winning smile.

“That’s not a no, I’ll take it. So, where are you headed so early?” Why was Trey Turner still talking to her, shirtless, in her kitchen? He had never exchanged this many words with Maybelle before and she was tryingreallyhard not to act so obviously dumbfounded by the fact.

“Just going for a quick run.” She uttered wearily.

Trey’s face lifted with the rise of his brows and his head slightly tilted with curiosity and surprise, “Impressive, I hate cardio.” He deadpanned the last part and Maybelle couldn't stop the snort that escaped her. She was ready to follow through with her original plan of throwing herself through the window now.

Maybelle’s feet shifted away, ready to hightail it out the front door but Trey looked at her in such a cute, bold way that made her feel like she just gave him a challenge he was all too eager to accept. So, her feet slowly straightened back, remaining rooted in anticipation for what he might say next.

“What’s so funny?” Trey inquired as he leaned farther forward; green eyes narrowed in amusement.

Currently feeling more self-conscious than she’d ever been in her entire life, Maybelle fidgeted uneasily to find a more comfortable position leaning against the kitchen sink behind her, “It’s funny that you hate cardio when you’re the best senior running back in the state. Cardio is literally in the name.”

Trey seemed to consider that and smirked, “Yes, well I like running after the ball, to open for a pass or to take the ball home for a touchdown, but to run for the sake of running? Not my idea of a good time.”

Maybelle nodded then deciding that sitting on the counter behind her would be a lot classier, she lifted herself up and sat on the countertop to the side of the sink. While she maneuvered herself onto the counter, immediately regretting the move when the top cupboards forced her to slouch forward thus making her look anything but classy, Trey had rounded the corner of the tabletop that had once been between them.

Now, he leaned his back against the main counter, folding his arms across his bare chest giving her a full view of him in freaking grey sweatpants… Maybelle didn't know when she would wake up from this wet dream, but she prayed it wouldn’t be anytime soon.

“I understand.” She choked out trying to control her roaming gaze, “I used to play basketball, I hated to run unless it was on the court in a game but after I quit, I realized I really liked the peace of mind that came with running.”

Trey shook his head bewildered, “You played sports? Why’d you quit?”

“I just didn’t have the time after we moved here. I got a part time job, my mom needed help around the house and chauffeuring Liam to practice and other various extra curriculars.”

One of Trey’s large hands lifted, rubbing his neck as he said, “Interesting, how did I not know this about you?”

Maybelle smiled sheepishly and gave a quick, jerky shrug, “I have very few musical talents, obviously, but I pride myself on my three-point shot and ability to keep a level head in a tight game.”