Running, not a favorite pass time for many but for her, it was an escape. A little time of peace to herself in the chaos that is life, which was a necessity before starting the craziness this day would bring. Maybelle rolled out of bed, slipped on a pair of black leggings, a black sports bra, a black sweater sheleft unzipped, then socks and a pair of black sneakers with white detailing.

Obviously, she had a favorite color to work out in. Maybelle was reserved and pretty damn insecure, but she liked her body in dark workout clothes.

Maybelle had a stout, stocky frame, built with muscle. So, while she was strong, healthy, and even blessed with a solid four-pack of abs, she could positively say that she had the curves of a freaking 2017 Kardashian in the lower half of her body. Hence, wearing black aided in drawing less attention to her butt and gave the illusion that she was leaner looking which, in turn, made her feela lotmore confident.

Now, her top half had anything but curves. She had a pair of breasts that were probably equivalent to the size of a couple mosquito bites compared to most girls her age, but she couldn’t complain; it made it easier to go braless which she could always appreciate.

Standing before her vanity, doing what she could to tame her tangled nest of bed head, Maybelle watered down her frizzy, ringlet curls with a spray bottle then proceeded to braid the chaotic mane into two tight braids that reached the slim of her back in length.

After brushing her teeth and slapping on a quick swipe of deodorant, Maybelle crept into the hallway, her wireless earbuds in hand. She wearily paused to listen for the bear-like snores that echoed from Liam’s room two doors down from hers.

He slept like the dead; she could be screaming for her life right then and it wouldn't faze him, which was exactly what she wanted. Maybelle plugged her ear buds into her ear and blasted her music on high as she strolled to the kitchen, an extra hop to her step.

Maybelle was talented in many things, specifically in reading, writing, and sports but singing wasnotone of thosethings. Poor girl was tone deaf and she knew it, but it didn’t stop her from belting her little heart out to her favorite songs. Obviously, only when she was alone in the car or in the safe solitude of her home.

That morning was no exception, Maybelle spun to the coffee maker, whipping herself up a quick cup of Joe while shesangto the beating music of Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes bopping about in her head.

Of course, Maybelle was an early 2000’s pop appreciator. No one could ever detour her from her opinion that the early 2000’s, 90’s and parts of the 80’s was home to the best music to date. Maybelle slid through the kitchen, a bounce to each of her steps because when her need to squawk like a canary hit with the music, so did her need to “bust a move”.

Maybelle loved to dance, it was a leisure pursuit of hers that came from her mom and their long nights together of Just Dance Battles on the Wii all Maybelle’s growing up.

So, she danced, more like skipped and jumped around the kitchen while singing extremely off key. It was a true, unfiltered version of herself Maybelle would never subject anyone to. It was far too embarrassing for her to ever reveal toanyone.

Spinning, Maybelle downed the rest of her warm coffee, then pulled an imaginary guitar out of thin air, ripping out an amazing solo as she more or less squealed out the bridge to what was now Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi blasting through her skull.

When the song and her truly impressive solo finally came to an end, and it faded in her ear buds there was a quick pause of silence between songs filled only by her deep breathing. That pause of semi-silence was what allowed Maybelle to hear the quick and astonished, “Holy shit.”

Maybelle stiffened, she knew that voice and she knew the chuckle that followed that charming voice.Maybe, if she moved fast enough, she could throw herself hard enough through the window above the sink in front of her. There wasn’t much of a fall so she unfortunately wouldn’t die but the glass would be enough to send her to the hospital so she wouldn’t have to face the boy that, no doubt, stared at her back like she was a psychopath.

“Damn, Mayhem, that was awesome.”


Shereallyneeded to turn around. Maybelle willed her now sweat drenched hands to remove her ear buds that had moved onto another enthusiastic song and pivoted her body to finally face him.

Good glory… Trey.

His caramel hair was messy, face rugged with a lazy smile andoh goodness gracious… the specimen of a man that stood on the opposite side of the kitchen from her wasshirtless.

She had seen Trey shirtless before at the beach and pool settings, but this moment was a whole new kind ofintimateas he watched her, fresh from sleep, and in the kitchen with the morning sun leaking through the windows, casting Trey’s bronze, muscled body in a beautiful combination of shadow and light contrasts.

Stunned, Maybelle knew her eyes were popping out of her skull but at this point there was nothing she could do. She was not mentally prepared for this moment, so her body had a mind of its own as she ogled him shamelessly.

Oh, gee golly goodness, he was smiling at her, the biggest, prettiest, most beautiful smile. This man knew exactly what he did to her, and he was enjoying every second of it.

After a too long bout of silence, in which Maybelle continued to stare wide-eyed like an idiot while Trey onlysmiled, his arms crossing over his exceptional chest, Maybelle finally collected her wits enough to clear her throat, “Uhm, what are you doing here?”

Smooth, Maybelle.

Trey brushed a hand through his messy, silky looking waves of hair, “I was with Liam last night. After surfing we went to a party, and I might have drunk a little too much, so he drove us here in my Jeep and tucked me in on the couch.” Trey shrugged, a hint of what might be shyness lacing his tone and movements. Like Trey Turner could ever be embarrassed in front of her.

Yeah, not a possibility.

Maybelle’s eyes darted to the couch that was a mess of blankets and cushions. That was her knew favorite couch, maybe her mom would even let her take it with her to college.

“Are you going to the party tonight? I hear there is going to be karaoke.” Trey asked, gifting her a devilishly teasing smile that just about did her in.

“Uhm, I honestly wasn’t planning on it.”Maybelle looked down, knowing she was beingsoawkward and curt, but she couldn’t help it. Trey had heard hersinging, no— what he heard was more like shrieking, he saw her dancing, playing the freaking air guitar like she was the lead guitarist, Angus Young ripping out a world-altering solo. She nervously bit on the inside of her cheek, refusing to look him in the eye.