Maybelle gave herself a mental pat on the back.

Only a few minutes later they stopped in front of a small house with a sign across the front door that spelt, “Mason”.

Maybelle whipped her head to Trey who was already getting out and walking to her side of the car. He opened her door and gestured for her to get out. Maybelle stared at him blankly, trying to catch up with whatever was going on, not moving an inch.

He noticed her hesitation and came to stand up next to her, his body pressing into the open vehicle, one hand pleasantly rested atop her knee, the other on her upper arm.

Maybelle watched him, glimpsing back and forth between the front door and those happy, deep, green eyes, “What are we doing, Trey?” She questioned softly.

Trey studied her then said, “This is the surprise.”

He dug into his back pocket and pulled out keys dangling them in front of her.

“Liam had given me my own set of keys to the house, he was always forgetting stuff that he needed me to grab for him. Or sometimes after parties he’d be so wasted, I had to sneak him into bed without your mom seeing so he finally gave me keys to come and go as I pleased.” His smile was sad as he most likely recalled the said experiences with Liam.

Her brother.

Her family.

For the first time, in that moment she envied Trey for the memories he could remember and be sad about.

Envied him for the fact that he had more recollection and claim to the house that laid before her than she did.Maybelle had previously wished she could remember, so not to feel like a clueless stranger but she never ached to remember what could hurt her.

The people, the lost life. That, she hadn’t once wished to remember until right now.

Maybelle turned her attention ahead, fighting back the sudden rush of emotion that threatened to drown her.

She couldn’t go in there. She didn’t belong there.

She didn’t have a place there.

Trey brought her knee out past him, turning her until she faced him and the house fully while he fit himself snuggly between her legs. She sat slightly above him due to the large wheels and lift of the Jeep she still sat in.

Trey brought his hands up, cupping her face in both of his large, calloused hands as he surveyed her. He held her like that for only a few moments before he finally broke the silence.

“You don’t have to go in if you don’t want to, May. But I do have a few things I wanted to grab for you in there. You’re welcome to wait out here if that would make you more comfortable.” His voice was so gentle, so patient. Maybelle stared back at the house.

What was she so scared of?

That she might remember?

Yeah, maybe.

That Trey was hoping this would jog her memory and she would only let him down?

Yeah, that wasn’t a fun thought.

That while those three picture frames above her bed may stare holes into her soul, going into their home, her old world, might feel like her own personal abyss in hell of heartache for a reality she couldn't claim as her own. But unless she took a chance, unless she walked in, she would never know anything for sure.

Maybelle took a deep breath, remembering that Trey was still holding her face in his hands andholy hell, he was standing between her legs which was so hot, but this was not the time to dwell on that fact.

This was not the time to think about his warm masculine body pressed into her, his strong hands holding her face, no time to drool over the fact that this position they were in had all the makings of a veryverysexy first kiss.

Nope, not going to think about that at all.

Instead, she pulled his hands away from her face, with a smile that she knew didn’t meet her eyes.

“I’ll go in, if you hold my hand the whole time.” She whispered, her grin perking up a bit more.