Maybelle turned back and repeated his order.

The employee recited their order, told them their total and instructed them to pull up to the window to pay.

Maybelle quickly flopped back into her seat, still smirking at Trey who kept his hand on her, but now placed on the top of her thigh, fingertips pressing gently into the surface of her jeans.

They held that comfortable position until Trey needed the use of both his hands as he paid, and they were given their ice cream. He pulled off into a parking spot to give them a chance to eat before heading to their next activity.

“Chocolate custard and hot caramel?” Trey asked watching her lick a dab of caramel sauce off the side of her custard cup.

Maybelle nodded earnestly.

“It’s been a favorite of mine as of late.” She grinned, eyes darting to her favorite chocolate and caramel waves. Trey chuckled and continued to devour his own ice cream.

“How was your date?” Maybelle asked sucking on her red plastic spoon.

Trey licked at the ice cream that had smeared across his up lip, “A good time. We try to do at least one lunch date every time I visit.” He informed.

Maybelle nodded.

A man who makes time for his mother, now that’s attractive.

Trey Turner really was a beautiful individual inside and out. His heart was kind, his smile breathtaking. She wentquiet realizing just how easy it was to be absolutely enthralled with this man in the short time she knew him or remembered knowing him.

Maybelle placed her finished custard into the cup holder before leaning her back against the door to face him. “So, we were friends, before, correct?”

She asked, studying his reactions. He eyed her suspiciously and took a bite of his cone before nodding.

She watched him lick a drop of ice cream that had melted down the side of the cone before she cleared her throat, “What was that like?”

Trey turned his body to her, head tilting curiously.

“What was what like?” He asked discarding the rest of his cone into her finished cup.

“Our friendship,” Maybelle answered, “were we always like this?” She flapped a finger indicating the unseen connection between them.

Trey stared at her thoughtfully for a moment before putting the car into drive, “Put your seat belt on.”

Maybelle folded her arms over her chest, refusing to let him avoid her questions, for whatever reason. Trey didn’t argue, he put the vehicle back in park, extended over her with ease grabbing the belt and quickly locking it into place.

Before retreating back to his seat, he flicked her nose, she snorted giving him a playful shove back to his side of the Jeep.

Trey smirked, driving out of the parking lot back onto the main road, “Uhm, our relationship was—” He hesitated, rolling over his words before he continued, “Let’s just say our friendship was blossoming just before your accident.” His eyes glanced at her, waiting for her response.

Maybelle watched him intently, her knuckles pressed to her lips as she studied him and worked over what he said in her head.

“What does that mean?” She finally asked, not able to figure out his implications.

Trey let out a strained sigh as the vehicle rolled to a stop at a red traffic light. He looked at her for a minute, and she could tell there was something he was struggling to tell her. Maybelle sat up and leaned an elbow on the middle console facing him.

“You had a big fat crush on me, huh?” She asked wagging her brows, beaming. Trey snorted but did not confirm nor deny her accusation, he only turned his focus back to the traffic lights that were now green, shy smile playing across his lips.

Maybelle grinned to herself, sidling back to her side of the vehicle. Oh yeah, mans was obsessed then and now.

Dang, she was good.

She didn’t push him further, only let him stew in silence as she giggled quietly to herself, but screamed like a crazed, excited schoolgirl in her head. Like damn, she really caught the attention of a sexy man like Trey Turner?
