Chelsea smiled, “Oh good, good.”

Thankfully, the Turners didn’t have to wait too much longer until Doctor Brown was exiting Maybelle’s room, approaching Trey and his mom, “Heard you were causing quite a ruckus out here, Mr. Turner.”

Trey ignored the comment, “Can I see her now?” He made no effort to hide the frustration he was boiling with that bubbled over into his tone of voice.

Dr. Brown chuckled and sat in another chair next to Trey and his mom along the wall, “As soon as I am done explaining a few things, you are welcome to see her.”

Trey’s leg began to bounce, “Alright, let’s hear it then.” He pressured. Doctor Brown leaned in toward him with his elbows propped on his knees.

“Miss Belle seems to be doing very well. She is a little confused and annoyed with the brain fog, but she is listening and communicating adeptly.”

Trey felt the other shoe about to drop.

“So, what is wrong with her?” He pushed. Not that anything could be wrong with his Maybelle. With how Doctor Brown was leading this discussion with vague good news and how his mom still stared blankly to the floor, he could tell there was something wrong.

Doctor Brown adjusted a bit before he said, “She is suffering from a type of Dissociative Amnesia. She is struggling to remember anything to do with her identity, her family and what happened the night of the accident.”

That pressure in Trey’s chest was tight again, almost painful, “Is it permanent?” He dared to ask.

Doctor Brown shrugged, “Not usually but it’s too early to tell.” The doctor paused peering over his shoulder at Maybelle’s door then returned to Trey to continue, “When you walk in there Mr. Turner, she will not know who you are.”

Trey’s head bobbed up and down as he stared absently at a bulletin board across the hall.

His Maybelle was awake, she did not know who he was, but she was awake. In his shorts pocket he could feel the imprint of a small journal that had been his constant companion, never leaving his person, over the last year.

“Ok, Doc. That all? I’d really like to see my girl now.”

Doctor Brown snorted loudly, shaking his head, “Follow me, Romeo.”

12 Cousin or Freakishly Young Uncle?

Betsy continued to fuss over Maybelle, checking “vital signs” and medical shit like that Maybelle didn’t understand. Doctor Brown had left the room about ten minutes ago to talk to a boy… what boy, maybe the brother they mentioned?

She wasn’t married, that would have been one of the first things to inform her of, right? She examined Nurse Betsy as the woman practically trotted around the room with too much excitement to each step.

“Why—why are you so happy?” Maybelle croaked out.

Betsy pivoted to her, jaw dropped in dramatic surprise, “Well look at you.” She acknowledged, “I am happy because that sweet boy who is being barred out there finally gets to see you after waiting by your side for almost a year.”

Maybelle studied the woman while she tucked the blanket in at Maybelle’s feet in, “Is he, my brother?” Maybelle tried.

Betsy stopped her grinning, “No, baby, he’s not your brother but I bet Liam would have been by your side as well if he could have.”

That wasn’t cryptic at all.

Maybelle opened her mouth to snark something sassy at the sweet-talking nurse, but the door opened cutting her off.

Once again, Doctor Brown walked through the doorway, “Hello, Miss Belle, I’d like to introduce you to someone.”

Maybelle gazed back expressionless showing no signs that she was the least bit interested but he moved from the dooranyway allowing Maybelle full view of the young man that stood behind him.

Now Maybelle knew she had met and encountered many people in her lifetime, but she could only recall the specific faces of Doctor Brown, Nurse Betsy, and Chelsea Turner.

Even with that fact, Maybelle had no doubt that the young man she locked eyes with was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen. Thank the universe that is not her brother, that would be weird. Then another uncomfortable thought hit her.

Oh god, please don’t be a cousin, freakishly young uncle, or anything like that.

The first thing about him that caught Maybelle’s attention was the beautiful, brown, wavy hair containing hints of gold. It was chocolate ice cream with hot caramel sauce that made her stale mouth water. Her gaze dripped down his face to the shadow of scruff along his jaw and upper lip making him top tier of manly perfection.His dark emerald eyes stared after her in wide anticipation.