Did she have one?

Like an empty book of stale, vacant pages her mind contained zilch on names. Her tongue flicked out, licking her lips but it all was all the consistency of sandpaper.She almost gave up but the curiosity and the frustration to hear herself make sound won over.


The sound was lower than she expected but of course, raspy, and airy. Chelsea’s face fell, Betsy clicked her tongue like that answer was what she had been waiting to hear before she left the room.

She was in a room.

A dim lit room that had little to it but blank walls, whirring machines, and a square, glass opening that showed off darkness and a sea of bright stars.

Chelsea’s heaving sigh brought her focus back to the woman, “Your name is Maybelle.” She informed as she gestured to her. She had already guessed as much but she let Chelsea continue, “Do you remember your mom and brother? Liam and Stephanie?”

Maybelle, she accepted, slowly shook her head in response.She opened her mouth to try and ask questions, but the door to the room flung open and a man with dark hair, pale skin and peppered facial hair strode in with Betsy in tow.

“Hello, Maybelle.” The tall man greeted as he approached her bedside. He was dressed head-to-to but in navy-blue, clothes similar to what Betsy and Chelsea wore except he had donned on a white coat that cloaked his shoulders and ran down to his mid-thigh.

“It is so good to finally see you awake. You had a very long nap. My name is Doctor Brown.” He said as he put a hand to his chest.

Maybelle didn’t reply or move, only evaluated.

Doctor Brown, what an interestingly accurate name for a man with rich brunette hair, dark scruff, and hooded chocolate eyes.

“I know you must be confused, maybe even frustrated but we are going to help you understand everything and get you feeling better.” Doctor Brown said lowly, softly, as if he were calming an animal that needed taming.He apparently did know a thing or two because she was seriously confused and extremely frustrated with the confusion.

Maybelle’s mind was reeling, racing, fleeing, returning, screaming for answers. She could recall nothing specific to her being, her identity and it was terrifying— no, it wasinfuriating.

Doctor Brown’s gloved hands softly lifted her arm and held two fingers to her wrist, same as Betsy did when she had first woken up. His grasp encapsulated more of her wrist than Betsy’s touch but his was a lot more whispered and gentler.

“Nurse Turner,” Doctor Brown addressed without turning to Chelsea who sat up straight in response, “I need you to call your son off his hunt. I do believe he is going to have a tangle with security out there if he is not controlled.” Chelsea’seyes widened and without another word she was up and out the door.

Doctor Brown let out a huff of amusement before tilting Maybelle’s face up to look at him. He inspected her eyes by shining a very unpleasant light into them that brought the ache in her head back to the forefront with a vengeance.

“I hear you aren’t remembering a whole lot, Miss Belle.” Doctor Brown stated.

Maybelle squinted, studying the crinkled lines of the doctor’s face, the strong set of his jaw and the thick dark goatee laced with aged white.

Taking her silence as an answer the doctor nodded and continued, “But you are responding and seem to be functioning very well. It would be hard to believe you just slept through a whole year.”

A year. That’s a long time.

Doctor Brown took a seat in the vacant chair that Chelsea once occupied. Betsy remained in the corner of the room, quietly watching, offering small reassuring smiles every time Maybelle’s gaze roamed to her.

“Do you remember your family?” He asked.

Maybelle shook her head getting a slight twinge of knowing that fact should hurt… but nothing of merit came.

“Do you remember where you live?”

Maybelle shook her head.

“Do you know what two plus two is?” He quirked a bushy brow and Maybelle wanted to scoff but instead she swallowed hard.

“Four.” She rasped.

Doctor Brown simply nodded, “Do you remember the night you fell asleep?” He leaned forward now, observing her.

Maybelle paused. The only thing she could recall past blankness of her mind was bright red and blue flashing, holdinghands, blood— She stopped and shook her head aggressively in response to his question and in efforts to expunge her mind of the images it tried to bring up. If those were memories then she wasn’t interested in investigating further, let them remain lost.