Liam would be packing and getting ready for college with him, and Maybelle would be back to ignoring Trey, an alternative he would gladly replace with the current reality they had been dealt.

He would have handled the Clayton Thomas situation differently; he wouldn’t have been so dumb if he could do it over. Trey would have talked to Liam before wandering off with his sister, he would have been smarter,better.

For the first time since the accident, the back of Trey’s eyes began to ache, making his vision blur with tears. He quickly scrubbed at his face with the back of his hand before any droplets could escape down his cheeks.

At that moment he looked back to Maybelle, acknowledging that unlike most patients she wasn’t surrounded with balloons, or get-well cards. She didn’t have any family otherthan her mom and brother, so besides Trey, there was no one waiting for her to wake up.

Maybelle Mason was alone, and it was all his fault.

There was at least one item in her room that wasn’t hospital equipment. It was a small, black, leather-bound notebook that rested on the little, side table next to her. Trey had noticed the book before but hadn’t cared to investigate until now.

Trey leaned forward and plucked the book up. It was thick with heavily scribed on pages.

He opened to page one.


My name is Maybelle Mason, my mom named me Maybelle. She said it was a happy name that meant “lovable”, so she calls me “Lovebug”. Little bit of background knowledge is I am a twin, I am fourteen years old, my birthday is November third. I am in middle school; I am a basketball player. My hobbies are sports, reading, and I love school.

I love to smile; it is my favorite thing to do because it helps me stay positive in the lowest times. My favorite color is green, and my greatest wish is for you to love me as much as I love you.


Maybelle Mason

Trey sat back in his chair trying to understand the absolute adorableness that was that sweet entry. Obviously, this was a journal which made him respectfully close it and place it on to his lap. It was definitely a breech in privacy for him to go read something like that, but Trey couldn’t ignore the curiosity, the feeling other than pain and guilt that fluttered to life under his skin.

He wanted to know about who she spoke to when she wrote, “My greatest wish is for you to love me as much as I love you”.

Trey gazed up at Maybelle again.

God, he wanted to know her, all of her.

Well… He had promised her he would do just that hadn’t he? Yeah, this felt a bit like cheating, taking the easy road but in reality, nothing about this situation was easy.

What if she never woke up?

Trey peered back down to the book only hesitating a moment before he opened to page two.

Dear Future Husband,

The reason I married you is because you respect me and encourage me to be the best me. You are my best friend. This journal is for you to know me, understand me more than anyone else ever could…

Trey paused and put a hand through his hair.Holy shit.

This was a book dedicated to the man she would one day marry. What kind of fourteen-year-old child thinks about that, talks like that? He really needed to put the book down now.

It became so much more intimate, private, knowing that the journal was written for… for….

Trey stopped, a smile pulling to his lips as he stared at the book. This journal was meant for him.

He knew it and when Maybelle finally woke up, she would know it too. So, he took his priceless gift, opened to page three, and read on.

10 You Are Not Alone

Darkness. Tumbling, never-ending darkness.

A rhythmic pounding, each beat painful.