The honk of a black, topless Jeep flying up the road alerted the twins that their chariot had arrived and warned Maybelle to get a freaking hold over herself.

The vehicle pulled to a stop before them and the front doors missing from the hinges gave Maybelle an undisturbed view of Trey dressed in black pants, proudly wearing his football jersey. The scene was enough to over boil Maybelle’s limbs and joints into actual wet, soggy noodles.

“Hey, Triple Threat! Thanks again for the ride, I owe you one.” Liam hollered over the stereo music that risked bursting eardrums while he slid easily into the front passenger seat.

“Anytime bro, but you do owe me one.” Trey beamed mischievously andperfectlyas he turned the volume of the speakers down enough for Maybelle to better hear the roaring of nervous energy in her head. Neither acknowledged Maybelle as she quietly, not so gracefully climbed into the back seat of the driver’s side and buckled her seat belt.

“Oh, anything my guy, name it!” Liam offered while the Jeep lurched forward, and they made their way to Harbor High.

Now Maybelle knew her brother was a decently good-looking kid. He had tight blonde curls like Maybelle that bounced about in the wind, a tanned muscular physique from football and long days of surfing in the sun, with crystal blue eyes and a strong white smile. But while her brother may be handsome and have the ability to smolder his way into any girls’ pants, Trey Turner was drop dead gorgeous. Maybe she was biased since the idea of admitting that her brother might be good looking made her feel gross inside, there was no exaggeration in saying that Trey Turner was a seriously blessed young man.

As the Jeep hurried down the road, the wind tousled Trey’s light caramel brown hair, knocking soft waves into his absolutely breath-taking, forest, green eyes that were framed by dark, long lashes that any girl would sell her soul for. He hadthis perfect, white smile that came with a strong side of lady-slaying dimples and naturally, sun-bronzed skin that just made everything about him that much more unbearably attractive. This boy wouldn’t be able to even begin trying to understand the horrors of an ugly, awkward, teen phase.

Good glory. It honestly took every bit of Maybelle’s willpower, herverylimited amount of “coolness” and self-respect not to blatantly drool at the rear-view mirror that gifted her with an amazing view of those immaculate green eyes. That is, until…

“I need you to set me up with Tracey Carter, that cute cheerleader you said was in your physics class.”

Maybelle suddenly found the black screen of her powered off phoneverymesmerizing; no longerastempted to stare at the “pretty boy” eyes in the easily accessible rear-view mirror.

“Trey, no.” Liam rejected bluntly shaking his head of short, honeycomb curls. Absolute betrayal etched itself into the lines of Trey’s usually unblemished face.

“And why the hell not?” Trey demanded, his focus not entirely on the rode before them which had Maybelle tugging on the strap across her chest, double-checking to make sure her seat belt was still doing its very vital job.

Liam’s jersey twisted with him as he faced his best friend, “Bro, Trey and Tracey for one, sounds stupid together. And two, I hit that over the weekend. You’d be getting my sloppy seconds.”

Betrayal molded into something akin to disappointment and faint amusement as Trey’s lips fell into a tight line, “Damn, of course you did.”

Liam chuckled, slapping his large, football-throwing hand on Trey’s muscled shoulder, “What about that one girl that was doing our homework this last semester? Alyssa something?”

Trey side-eyed him, “You mean Olivia?”

Liam, the sweet,sweetboy, seemed to be usinga lotof brain power before he finally responded, “Oh yes, Olivia. Why don’t you hit her up? Bet you’d be making all her high school fantasies come true.”

Trey only scoffed, while Maybelle had to swallow down the bile burning the back of her throat.

“Hey May, are you doing alright back there?” Liam called back to Maybelle who had her head smashed into the back of Trey’s seat wondering just how fatal it would be to throw herself out of a moving vehiclebut not at all doubting whether or not it would be worth it.

“Oh hey, Maybelle, I didn’t even see you get in the car!” Trey cheerfully greeted like his acknowledgement of her existence wasn’t the prettiest, scariest thing she’d ever heard.

Maybelle responded to both boys by keeping her face smushed against the back of the seat, refusing to allow them to witness just how scarlet, red her skin burned from the mere mention of her name on Trey Turner’s tongue and lifted one arm with a meager “thumbs up” while she considered if it would be more effective to throw herself out the back window or to leap out the open car roof. Both options sounded worthy of the moment.

The boys accepted this response and continued discussing which of them “scored” the best this year with the girls, how much better college women will be, and a lot of other stuff that Maybelle had to disassociate from in order to preserve her innocence and the dwindling respect she had left for her twin.

Thankfully, it wasn’t too long until they pulled into the student parking lot. The band was outside blasting the school anthem, an archway of balloons crowned the gymnasium doubledoors, and all the seniors were filtering through, cheering like their nearly finished race to adulthood wasn’t daunting as hell.

Trey blasted his radio speakers as he sped into his assigned parking spot, a signal to all the students loitering in the lot that The Kings had officially arrived.

Maybelle wanted nothing to do with the approaching crowd of teens so in an effort to escape the car and the general area before they could be surrounded, she moved quickly to grab her bag and launched herself at the door handle.

Except, as she leapt for the door it simultaneously flung open. Before she knew it or could save herself from the catastrophe, Maybelle went barreling out of the lifted Jeep, free-falling to the asphalt, but instead of breaking her face on the street Maybelle was caught up in the strong, glorious arms of Trey Turner.

The raging curse storm of horrid language that threatened to spew from her mouth was just ridiculous as she tried desperately to recover her balance while pressed against the massive chest of TreyfreakingTurner.

Maybelle frantically, pathetically spun back to the car to see that her balance was offset by her stupid, left foot that was somehow still stuck up in Trey’s Jeep between the bottom sill and chair. Maybelle slowly turned back to face him thinking about how she often forgot how tall Trey was until she randomly found herself in his arms which… this would be a first.

Her hands held a handful of his jersey on both sides of his slim lower back while her face was level with his built chest.Maybelle’s skin was on fire. She knew every bit of her face scorched deep red as she timidly looked up at him through her lashes.

“My—my foot… It’s stuck.” She murmured. Her biceps flexed under Trey’s grip as he steadied her and peered over her shoulder to see that her foot was, indeed, stuck.