Gracie’s arm hooked around Maybelle’s waist giving her a quick squeeze before saying, “I better go find my husband. He’s probably giving life advice to some random person out there or talking football with the groom.” She giggled and started her way for the door.

Maybelle clung to the innocent warmth in her arms as she memorized the scene before her, drinking in every detail. Penny really had done so well in preparing this day. The colors, laces, flowers, and outfits correlating so well together. Her mother-in-law staring lovingly into the eyes of the doctor, twisting the rock crowning her dainty finger. Hannah and Williams together, probably scheming how to decorate the getaway car in absurd fashion. Maybelle could not be more thankful.

A tear rolled down her cheek as she felt an ominous presence cocoon itself around her in a comforting embrace. Maybelle knew if she had the eyes to see, it would be Liam’s arm around her shoulders, admiration in his deep ocean eyes for his sleeping nephew, Stephanie’s hand laced with Maybelle’s, beaming with happiness and maybe even the father she never knew, standing beside her mother, grasping to Stephanie’s other hand.

What a reunion that must have been.

In the last five years Maybelle had continued to fulfill her promises she had made on the floor of her bedroom. It had been anything but easy, overcoming old habits, reactions and keeping to her vows. But she was doing it. Maybelle had run marathons, traveled, became a mom, graduated with a degree in communications and English, wrote and published a book abouther story. About the craziness, the impracticality, the romance, devastation, the sweet moments, and lessons learned since she had woken from her coma. The book found its speedy way onto the New York Times Best Sellers, and it was a dream come true.

Trey was by her side, a support and perfect partner every step of the way even with his own crazy amounts of successes. After college he got recruited to play for the 49ers which had been a blessing, keeping them close to home, allowing them to officially move into the old Mason home while Maybelle gave birth and thankfully had Chelsea and Penny so close to help with the first few weeks of becoming a new mom. Trey was accomplishing his goals, his dreams and bringing Liam and his little family with him every step of the way. Maybelle was in awe of him and completely in love.

They were doing it. She was doing it. She was here, she was running, living and she planned to never stop. Maybelle and Trey were building a life and family for themselves she was proud to call her own. And even after all these years when her eyes met with striking green her heartbeat rampaged with excitement in her chest at the sight of her dear, future husband entering the room.

“How are you feeling?” Bear asked as he and Trey made their way down the wedding venue hallway toward the room the wedding party was supposedly gathered in. The question of feelings from Bear was never a surprise before but now it held a different weight seeing as he became a therapist. A really good therapist. Bear had created a name for himself in the mental health industry, becoming a keynote speaker at prestigious events, teaching the youth of today how to understand their emotions and how to control them. Bear was an inspiration Trey was proud to call his brother.

Snickering, Trey looped his arm around the broad expanse of Bear’s shoulders as he replied, “I’m so fucking happy I could cry.” He admitted and he wasn’t lying. Trey was doing everything he could to distract himself from the ache in the back of his throat and twinge behind his eyes.

“Well, I am happy for you guys, been a long time coming.” Bear’s tone was low, distracted even. That’s when Trey saw Gracie, dressed in pale blue. Bear’s eyes glued to his wife’s every movement.

“Hey boys, better hurry. The wedding planner is getting antsy.” She apprised. Trey split ways from his brother, allowing him and his wife to embrace. Bear lowered himself down to the short height of his wife, dropping a chaste kiss to her lips before they both followed Trey into the chaotic room full of the people Trey cherished more than anything. Like an angel, bedecked in white, hair glowing in the sunlight streaming through the open windows, holding his child was his everything. His Maybelle, his wife, his whole world.

It took every ounce of his common sense not to parkour the shit out of this stuffy room by running up the walls and flipping over everyone until he made it to her. The thought was actually entertaining, and he wished he was skilled enough to pull it off, so he didn’t have to duck five times under the decor beam for the alter Penny was swinging around on her shoulder as she climbed through the room.

When the beam did, in fact, end up thwacking the back of his head Trey heard his hot as hell wife giggle at his expense.

“Now, Mrs. Turner. Are you laughing at me?” He grinned at the way her eyes narrowed, and hip popped as her gaze raked up and down his body.

“Absolutely. She got you good.” Maybelle chuckled again; her voice low so not to startle the sleeping baby in her arms.

Trey planted a kiss to her brow, “My turn.” He whispered and in Maybelle’s brief confusion he snatched the baby from her arms into his own, holding him snug against him.

“How you manage to be so loud and toss him around like rag doll without him waking up will forever puzzle me. I breathe within ten feet of his bedroom during nap time and he’s wide awake.” She whined and Trey smiled as he leaned into his favorite person.

“It’s because we are best buds, he’s loyal to me.” Maybelle rolled her eyes but cuddled up into him.

The room before them was a riot of planning, shouting, moving, and directing as everyone readied for the ceremony. This was all theirs, their family. Trey was overwhelmed with the emotions as he imagined what Liam would be doing if he were there. Liam would probably be teasing Penny, stressing her out more just to get a rise out of her, sneaking a drink or two in the corner, or holding his nephew as he poked fun at Trey for being a whipped man.

The daydream made the day perfect… well almost perfect. He hadn’t yet gotten a moment totrulyappreciate the absolute work of art that was his wife.

Trey brushed his lips against Maybelle’s ear, smirking when her breathing hitched, “Hey, you want to pawn off the little monster onto his grandma and go with me to sneak some tacos Xavier and his parents made for the dinner set up?”

Maybelle’s mirroring grin was so freaking sexy it sent Trey straight into action. He plopped his baby into Chelsea’s awaiting arms then grabbed the hand of his woman, pulling her into the hall that was thankfully empty.

They rounded a corner and Trey spun pinning Maybelle to the wall as he lined his body up with hers. The amused astonishment on her face had Trey pressing in farther, his lips claiming hers while his hand wandered up the lace of her skirt.

“Trey.” Maybelle gasped and his movements became deeper, more drawn out.

“Yes, May?” He whispered into her mouth, and she smiled.

“I’m excited to finally marry you.” She nearly whimpered and his mouth found her neck, kissing up and down.

“Took you long enough to agree on a date.” Trey snarked, nipping at her neck making Maybelle squirm.

“Not fair. It’s your fault, you got me pregnant. I wasn’t about to walk down the aisle feeling like a beached whale in white.”

Trey chuckled into her neck, his hands traveling farther up her legs, massaging the bare skin, and tinkering with the lacy garter cinched around her upper thigh.