“For what?” He asked, confusion evident in his deep voice.

“For visiting Maybelle when she was asleep. It meant a lot knowing I wasn’t the only one checking in on her.”

Daniel fidgeted in response, “I just did what she would have done for any of us.”

Now, Trey was adjusting with the realization Daniel wasn’t talking about Maybelle post coma but quiet Maybelle. Daniel would be the first of them to know that the shy, timid Mayhem had a heart full of love and longing to be a part of something before the accident. Even Trey had barely made it through a few of her walls before she went to sleep. Trey wasn’t able to dwell on the thought much longer before Larson was shouting.

“Oh, Danny boy, get over here. You’re on my team for ping pong.” Daniel didn’t argue or try for an excuse, only stood, and answered the call.

Williams shot a look over at Trey, “Demolish these pansies with me, Turner.”

Trey too stood to help out his brother, but his phone started ringing, “One second, Penny is calling me.” Trey announced not missing how Daniel’s attention immediately latched to him.

“Hey Penn, what’s up?” Trey asked and he was met with crying, he went still.

“Trey.” Penny sniffed, “I don’t— I don’t know what happened. Maybelle she—” Penny fell into a coughing fit and Trey looked to Bear.

“We need to go, now.” Trey barked and without any hesitation Bear turned for the door, Larson, and Williams followed.

Daniel pulled up next to Trey, “What’s wrong?” His quiet voice became dark and demanding.

“Penn, please talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong?” Trey pleaded. His heart panicking.

Penny got a semblance of control before choking out, “Maybelle left. She just left. I can’t find her, and she didn’t take her phone, she’s just gone.” Trey’s heart was vibrating, his limbs trembling.She left?

Penny’s sobs molded with the weeping erupting from a faraway place in the back of Trey’s head. His mom lying on the living room sofa, crying, “He left me! He left me!” She curled in on her side and hiccuped over the emotions drowning her. The sight had Trey falling to his knees beside the couch, frozen with terror.

“Are you hurt mom? What happened? What can I do?” He had asked, frantically. At a complete loss for what to do next for the woman he cherished more than anything. The one he had never seen cry like this, fall apart like this.

Trey held her hand, the only thing his young, paralyzed brain could think to do as his mom’s wails echoed through their empty home, “He’s gone. He left me. He left me…”

Stumbling back to reality, Trey and Daniel were now outside, approaching the truck and Daniel’s bike. Trey’s heart was going to pop, his lungs burst, his ribcage splinter under the pressure.

“What the hell happened to Maybelle, Penny?” Trey shouted, his patience faltering under panic. Trey lurched back, his arm was trapped in Daniel’s grip, his jaw ticking. Trey ripped his arm from the man’s grasp then shoved the phone at him, “Calm her down so she can tell me where the hell my girlfriendis.”

Daniel continued to stare Trey down even as he accepted the cell phone and began to speak.

“Hey, reina.” His light tone was at extreme odds with the glare he leveled at Trey.

Trey could hear Penny on the other line sniffling, “I know, it’s going to be ok. I’m on my way but we need to know what happened.” Daniel calmed.

After a moment Daniel handed the phone back to Trey, “She’s ready to talk.” Without another word, he moved, swinging a leg over his bike, and buckling his helmet.

Trey jumped into the truck Bear threw into drive, “Penny?” Trey could hear a couple other background voices as Penny sputtered.

“I’m sorry, Trey. We were just hanging out, playing a game when Maybelle fell to the floor. She just sat there on her hands and knees staring wide-eyed at the ground. None of us could get her to talk then she—” Trey could hear Penny getting choked up, but she took a deep breath, “She stood up, she was crying. She grabbed the keys to your jeep, and just ran out the door.”

Bear was pulling into the apartment parking lot when Penny finally said, “Trey, she did say one thing before she left, she said— she said that she remembered.”

40 I Promised Liam

“So, she’s still doing alright?” Penny asked as she took the seat next to Trey on the living room couch in his apartment. Larson and Bear were at work, but Williams sat at the kitchen counter uncharacteristically quiet. They all had been uncomfortably quiet for the last week since Maybelle disappeared.

Trey was holding Maybelle’s abandoned cell in his hand as he informed Penny what his mom had told him over the phone last night, “Yeah, I guess my mom has been visiting her every day, checking in on her. So, my mom knows where she is, she just won’t tell me. Said that Maybelle needed some time alone to work through everything.” Which Trey had thought was a load of horse shit.

He loved his mom, but he had never felt so betrayed by her for keeping this from him, especially with his Maybelle needing him more than ever right now.

The day after Maybelle left, he had gotten a call from his mom informing him that Maybelle had made it home, spent the night then left for god knows where, well, Chelsea knows where.