Maybelle leaned away dropping a harsh cough into the crook of her elbow then a barked, “Nerd” disguised as another cough, but Trey saw right through the charade. Again, his lips went tight, and Maybelle finally saw it as effort to hide the mirth twirling behind that gorgeous green stare.

“Stop stalling and try again.” Trey urged and Maybelle obeyed but not before she shot him one last dubious smirk.

Only an hour passed before they got through eachmath equation Maybelle claimed to struggle with. Even the few various questions she may have added just to draw out the time but as they finished with the last one Trey retreated from the bed.

“Good luck on your test, close the door on your way out.” Trey bade in way of farewell before locking his bathroom door and turning on the shower. This man obviously underestimated her patience and ability to get under someone's skin.

Maybelle pulled out the little, black, leather-bound journal, opening to a random page near the end and began to read, because Maybelle refused to let one more day pass of wasted time between them. She felt for Trey, really. The whole situation looked bad to say the least, but even she would have asked a few questions before jumping to conclusions the way he had…

Well— well shit. She guessed she hadn’t.

When she saw Trey and Juliette together, she didn’t think twice before assuming the absolute worst. But Trey hadn’t let her lack of trust come between them. He hadn’t been stubborn for three weeks letting her go on believing her assumptions that he would hurt her like that.

No, Trey was always clear, honest about his feelings and intentions when it came to her. While Maybelle… shepretended, held grudges, and locked her heart up.Damn.

Trey emerged from the bathroom, steam wafting out with him on his exit andgood lord, he was only wearing a towel.

Trey approached the dresser in the corner of his room, obviously missing Maybelle still strewn out on his bed, gawking at the holy heavenly sight of his glistening wet skin, and his rippling muscles under bronze perfection. She had witnessed Trey in only a towel that day he had been sick, but she hadn’t gotten the opportunity to admire the way she could now.

Should she say something?

That would be the decent thing to do but Maybelle was feeling a little too mischievous to speak just yet as she watched Trey drag a hand through his sopping waves.

She didn’t know why she was startled to see his towel suddenly fall from his hips to the floor revealing every inch of Trey’s backside to her, but she yelped dropping her face into the covers.

“Holy shit, damnit, Maybelle!”

She heard Trey curse a few more times.

“Sorry!” Her hollered apology was muffled by the sheets, but Maybelle could hear Trey’s snorts of frustration, him rummaging through his drawers then the click of the bathroom door.

Maybelle didn’t move from her position of suffocation in the blankets even after Trey reemerged from the bathroom.

“What are you still doing here?” Trey asked, not at all trying to hide his irritation.

“Are you modest?” Maybelle questioned into the mattress.

“Maybelle.” Trey’s snipped tone had her lifting her eyes to him. Trey had cladded himself in armor meant only for her as his opponent. A skintight, black athletic shirt and black sweats that hung loose on his hips revealing the band of his boxer briefs. She was defenseless before this beautiful man.

“Why are you still here?” He asked again noticing the way her eyes ate up every immaculate piece of him.

“I’m not leaving until we are friends again.” She somehow got out on a breathless sigh.

Trey’s brows furrowed, “I don’t really want to talk right now.” Maybelle held up the sacred journal for him, “That works for me, I have some reading to catch up on.”

Trey rolled his eyes before plopping onto the bed, “Go read in Williams’s room, I bet he’s home from work.” Treyseethed and Maybelle nearly flinched.

“I don’t want to read in his room.” Maybelle put plainly.


Trey’s eyes speared straight through her chest making her lungs feel caved in as she breathed, “Because I want to be with you.” Her heart hiccuped on the admission but Trey didn’t see it for what it was.

Instead, he tore his eyes from her and drove his hands through his wet waves, “Whatever, May. Fine.”

Maybelle tentatively returned to her journal while Trey pulled out his homework. She watched him from the corner of her eye, palms clammy with how easy that declaration had leapt from her lips, heart rampaging against its cage like it could break out and run back to him, where it belonged.

She could be patient; she could wait him out and hopefully next time she spilled her guts she’d make it more obvious, and he wouldn’t be so oblivious.