Trey had tried to talk to her that morning, desperate to start up any conversation with her but she only gave him one-word answers, even to questions that definitely required a lot more than one-word descriptions.

She didn't look sad or upset. She just seemed preoccupied.

Trey swore he could see Maybelle's brain hard at work contemplating and toiling over…something.

He wanted to ask her what was going on, help her with whatever was on her mind, but Trey knew Maybelle. She wouldn’t spill her secret thoughts unless she wanted to. She did on the other hand, speak her mind, constantly.

Candor was one of Maybelle’s main personality traits and one of Trey’s favorite things about her. She would talk to him, she just needed to work through her rumination first. So, Trey let her be, knowing when she was ready, she’d tell him everything.

Now he was dressed in his black suit and black tie, matching his brothers for the football banquet. They all decided to carpool, Trey and Williams together with their dates in his Jeep while Bear, whoever he was taking and Sam, of all people, with Trey’s Maybelle were riding together.

Larson had already taken off, with who and where they didn’t know but they would find out later that night.

“So, Samuel, I hear you and little Mason have been seeing a lot of one another lately.” Williams sprawled out on the couch next to Sam, in the living room, who sat dressed in his black suit, black tie, hair combed back with enough gel to last the damned apocalypse and a Coke can from the fridge in one hand.

Sam had been at the apartment for the last hour, dressed and ready to go. Bear had invited him over early to hangout, figures. But the man had sat in the same spot, quiet, clutching the soda can for dear life while his focus darted to Trey whenever he was near.

Trey couldn’t help but puff his chest out a bit, he had scared the poor kid shitless that night when he interrupted his kiss with Maybelle and apparently, Sam had not fully recovered from it. Which was honestly unfortunate because Trey didn’t hate Sam as a person, he thought he was a bit of a dumbass that had no game, but they were teammates, brothers. Granted they didn’t know one another well due to Sam being a year younger and riding the bench but Trey hadn’t ever minded him like he did now.

He just could not wrap his jealous brain around why Maybelle would kiss Sam, go to the banquet with Sam, and not Trey.

And that’s exactly what this was, jealousy.

He and Maybelle could finally have their chance, after all the waiting and uncertainty they finally had a chance and she friend zoned him. Now, Trey had to sit back and watch as his girl kissed and went to the banquet with another man and it freaking hurt.

Stay with me and let me pretend you’re mine.

That day, that night, those year-long hours in his bed were on constant repeat through Trey’s mind.

Maybelle had stayed with him, all day and all night.

I’m yours.

That statement alone kept him from being suffocated by the envious, strangling thoughts, and the self-torture of watching Maybelle with anyone but himself.

She had been his and he was hers.

Sam’s eyes flinched to Trey at the question before he straightened, “Yes, we have.” His tone chagrined. Williams nodded.

“That’s sweet bro. Maybelle is an awesome girl, I know any of us here would do just about anything for her.” Williams now puffed up, going into what Trey recognized as Williams’s protective mode, and he couldn’t help but grin.

Sam took a long swig of his Coke then practically announced like a proud asshole who thinks he’s won something, “Yeah, she’s my girlfriend.”

And guess he has.

SamfuckingCameron has won it all if he gets to call Maybelle Mason his girlfriend.

I’m yours…Pretend.

Every muscle in Trey’s body pulled so tight it felt like they might tear under the skin while Williams choked on air and doubled over in a coughing fit.

“Your girlfriend?” Trey asked, the hard skepticism obvious in his voice.

Sam only nodded proudly, oblivious.

What? Is this why she had been so awkwardly quiet that morning? Did she just not know how to break the news to him?

Pretend. Pretend. Pretend.