No, it definitely wasn’t jealousy. For the first time in a while, Maybelle was just truly realizing how great of a job she did at making the world forget her very existence.

“Hey, Mason!”

Liam and Maybelle both answered the call as they looked ahead to see Noah Williams, a junior who was secondstring quarterback and would be taking over Liam’s spot on the team as first-string quarterback and most likely captain as well.

“Williams, how’s it going buddy?” Liam beamed at the boy as he pulled him into what qualified as the “bro hug”.

Williams was Liam’s pride and joy. Liam had taken full responsibility at the beginning of the year to train and prepare the young football player to take up his mantle once he left for college and lead the team. Fortunately for Liam and the rest of Harbor High’s football team, Noah Williams was a natural born leader and athlete.

He was an incredibly handsome boy with deep brown eyes, beautiful dark skin, and cropped, black, curly hair with a breath-taking smile. Maybelle had seen and spoken to the boy a few times when she had to pick Liam up from practices, she liked him. He was always super kind, very respectful and…

“I don’t think we’ve met, what’s your name?”

Startled, Maybelle escaped her muddled thoughts to look down at Noah’s outstretched hand. Desperate for help and maybe a mercy killing, Maybelle quickly glanced to Liam who covered up a deprecating chuckle with his large hand.

If only she were a bug, squished under a massive foot. That would be far less painful compared to this excruciating awkwardness. In an effort to spare Noah of the uneasiness she was currently drowning in, Maybelle pasted on a shy smile but before she could fully accept Noah’s hand and re-introduce herself, she was beat to the punch.

“That istheMaybelle Mason, Williams.”

The three of them turned to see Trey Turner leaning up against the wall watching them with unabashed amusement, “You know her, it’s impossible to forget a face as beautiful as hers.” He said pointedly, remaining lazily propped up on one shoulder against the wall, looking so incredibly fine.

Maybelle felt the quick burst of heat that rushed to her face from the compliment and the fiery stress rash that was now inflaming on her neck and chest from embarrassment.

Wearily, she peered back to Noah whose unbothered countenance glowed with recognition, “That’s right, Maybelle, you’re Liam’s twin sister. I am so sorry; it's been a minute since we last spoke. It’s good to see you though!”

And as if Maybelle wasn’t over here burning alive from her mortification and perturbation, Noah spun back to Trey, already forgetting about her entirely, “What’s up, Turner?”

Noah stepped up to Trey and pulled him into another “bro hug”. Trey had on his white button up, black tie, black pants like all the other senior young men but he wasn’t yet wearing his cap and gown. His tie was loose and the top three buttons of his shirt were left undone. Trey was a sexy, wild, and absolutely perfect mess. Trey slapped the boy’s back and when they parted Noah looked to both Trey and Liam.

“I was surprised to learn that there are, in fact, brains behind those pretty faces. I mean, let me rephrase, none of us had any doubt the closeted nerd over here would finish top of his class.” Williams said as he threw a playful elbow at Trey who barely moved an inch to block the stunt.

Right, just another vital brush stroke of the artwork that made up the sensational persona of Trey, he was borderline genius. A fact he had proven time and time again through exceptionally high grades and academic awards. God obviously had favorites, how did this guy have the looks, the personalityandthe brains? It was entirely unfair.

“But you on the other hand,” Williams continued as he shoved at Liam’s arm like a boy might do to get a rise out of an older brother, “you are the definition of a dumb blonde, bro. You’re just lucky you had a bunch of girls lining up the block to do your homework for you or you would have been hosed.”

Liam must have known better than to try and plead his case, the sideways smirk he revealed was full of arrogance as he turned away from the conversation at hand to wink at a stunning, well-put-together, middle-aged woman strolling by in stilettos and a pencil skirt.

Trey’s chin dropped to his chest as his shoulders shook with obvious mirth while Williams’s awestruck expression blatantly admired the woman as she too sweetly smiled back at Liam and continued her long, overly swayed strut down the hall to the awaiting auditorium.

Gross. Whatever had to be done to expunge that moment from her brain, Maybelle would do it. At this point, why not trash it all. She didn’t need memories if it meant she could go on with her life having never witnessed that little blip.

Entirely at odds with the disgust Maybelle was currently gagging on, William’s eyes were bright with unrestrained respect as Liam put a brotherly hand on his shoulder, “Not too bad for a dumb blonde, huh?”

Williams finally clicked close his gaping mouth to say, “I’m pretty positive that was one our lineman’s mom you crazy motherfu—”

“Hey, language.” Liam’s half-hearted chastisement cut Noah off before gesturing to where Maybelle was still watching, listening, forgotten about until now, “There are young impressionable minds present.”

This earned Liam a glower from a very unamused sibling and earned Maybelle a collective chuckle from all three boys.

“Alright, alright. The team is planning on sitting together to cheer you guys on and I volunteered to save us a couple rows. Good luck, I’m proud of you two idiots.” Williams said before looking to Maybelle, “See you around, little Mason.”

As Noah Williams departed from them, joined by a couple other boys Maybelle knew from the football team, Liam practically pranced up to the wall where his best friend stood, leaving Maybelle to follow.

“Triple Threat! We did it! Next stop, UCLA!” Liam cheered, swinging an arm around Trey’s neck, pulling his head down, and disheveling his caramel waves which was just the cherry on top to the messy perfection that is Trey Turner.

Trey shoved Liam off and grinned, “Can’t believe I agreed to share a dorm room with your sorry ass, I’m already sick of you.”

Liam snickered, “Bullshit, you know you love me.”