With a thick swallow, I glance down, then yank my gaze right back up, since I don't want him getting the wrong idea. From the way he smirks, I wasn’t nearly fast enough.

I was ready to marry Devin for Vincent’s sake in spite of not knowing him, but now that I’m not there, under their control, what’s stopping me from just leaving? Mom’s treatment is done. They can’t undo it. Sure the rehab place is nice, but I’m used to caring for her myself, and I already owe an impossible amount to my student loans, what’s more after a certain point? Just bigger numbers.

On the other hand, my father might not be the white knight I imagined him to be, but I don’t know if I’m ready to completely give up on ever having a relationship with him. But if I'm someone's captive, it's not my fault that I'm not at the wedding. He can't fault me for that, right?

I lick my lips and draw my fingers across my breasts, giving them the biggest, most innocent, pleading eyes I can. “Take me with you.”

All four of their gazes snap up from my boobs to my face, where they look at me with confused expressions. It'd be funny if my situation wasn't so serious. “What?”

“Don't give me back. Take me with you.” They look between each other, confused. “Please. I’ll do whatever you want. Just don’t take me back. Not yet.”

Shadow cocks his head. “The fuck?”



I fucking hate complications.

Taking a hostage was fucked up enough in the first place, but now we’re the fucking hostages until we can get clear of this girl. She might not have a gun to our heads, but those big blue eyes are nearly as bad. There’s a knot in my gut telling me we need to cut ties fast or we’re going to find ourselves balls deep in trouble.

“We should leave her here, go get our bikes and get the fuck out of town.” I feel like an asshole saying it, but it’s the fucking truth. This shithole hotel isn’t gonna hide us for long, but it gives us a few moments to figure out what the fuck to do next.

Shadow nods. “No shit, but at this point cops are going to be crawling all over town. We might as well lay low until morning.”

The door slams open and there’s three guns pointed before we register it’s Outlaw. “Fuck, man. Ever heard of knocking? I’d hate to put a bullet through a brother.”

He rolls his eyes. “Who the fuck else would it be? Everything’s good. I ditched the limo on the highway. Hopefully it looks like we got picked up and we’re already long gone.”

“Which leaves us with one major problem,” Lightning says, gesturing to the second bed with the butt of his gun as he slips it back under his vest.


She’s sitting there with her legs hugged against her, looking like we just stole her off the cover of a bridal magazine. She hasn’t said a fucking word since begging to not get left behind, just stares at us like we’re the fucking bad guys and she’s reconsidering how good an idea it was to hitch her train to the four of us.

Don’t fucking blame her. We did blow up her wedding.

Shadow crosses his arms over his chest. As the officer in our group, he’s the one that has to report back to Prez, and his word’s final. “What do you say, babe? The door’s right there. Don’t suppose you want to use it. Because I’m gonna be real fucking honest here, you’re a big fucking liability and I don’t see what the fuck we’re getting out of this arrangement.”

“Yeah. Ass, grass or gas, sweetheart. Pick your poison,” Outlaw says with a grin.

Harper’s eyes turn into big fucking saucers and her knuckles go white as her delicate hands clench her dress like a safety blanket. “I know—Oh, God. I… I did say I’d do whatever you want, but…”

I know exactly what they’re doing, trying to scare her into getting the fuck out of our hair, but I gotta admit, I’m no boy scout, so I’m not sure what I’d do if she said yes. She looks fucking amazing in that dress, all done up like a princess with those perfect pink lips just made to wrap around my cock. I have to adjust myself at the thought, and of course she fucking notices, looking even more terrified.

“Drop the act. An hour ago you were about to say ‘I do’ to some fucking goon in a suit, then you were begging to go with us and now you’re thinking about fucking the four of us?” my twin asks with a snort. “Damn, girl. That’s cold. I mean, you’re fucking gorgeous and we’d make it real good for you, but I’m glad I’m not the one marrying you.”