We do our hugs and say our goodbyes. “How did I end up this lucky?” I whisper, watching her leave with Nate. My father.

“We need to talk,” declares Shadow in a scarily authoritative tone. “We can't keep going like this.”

“Huh?” I turn to find him right behind me, seated right where I was a moment ago. Outlaw's leaning against the wall next to the TV, while Thunder and Lightning have taken the couch Mom and Nate sat in. They all look incredibly serious. “What about?”

“They asked some good questions. Are you considering moving to be closer to your mother?” Outlaw asks. “Or back where you were living before?”

I blink. “Why would you even think that? Do you want me to?”

“Fuck no,” declares Thunder. “But it's a big decision, and while we have strong fucking opinions about this, in the end, it's yours. But let us get in our piece first.”

“Uh, yeah. Sure. Okay. Go ahead.” What are they talking about?

Shadow takes the lead. “We realize that you finally have the chance to really be with your family, and if anyone understands the value of good parents, well, fuck, it's us. And if you're gonna go with them, we're not gonna stop you, but… we don't want you to.”


“We've always been a solid team,” continues Lightning. “Fuck, one of the best, but we've never been so fucking close as we are now. You even convinced Outlaw, and that's a damn feat.”

Outlaw flips him off. “Don’t go.”


Thunder stands up, taking a step closer. “We don't wanna hold you back, but we fucking love you. All of us. Head over fucking heals for a girl who's taken everything life has thrown at her and thrown it right back into their fucking face. You were the best fucking hostage ever. So what we want—really want—is for you to stay. With us. As our old lady. That house would feel real empty without you in it.”

I blink. “You guys are idiots.”

Shadow's expression darkens. “What—”

“Of course I'm staying. What would you do without me? You'd be lost. Mom's got Nate to take care of her, and I’m not far away. I haven’t thought about leaving in ages.”

They all blink at me, but Outlaw finds his words first. “So you're staying? With us?”

“If you'll have me, but if you think you guys are the only ones who can fall in love around here, you haven't been paying attention.”

Lightning's expression brightens as if the sun just rose. “So, if we wanted to pick you up and drag you over to the house for a little celebration, you'd be game?”

And just like that, the way they're looking at me changes, like they're all trying to peel my clothes off with their eyes.

It's a little intimidating.

“Um… yeah?”

“Good.” Thunder sweeps me up in his arms and throws me over his shoulder. Then we're going full speed out of the clubhouse. Catcalls are thrown after us by the guys who're around, but we ignore them. I'm staying, and that’s worth celebrating.



We don't even get to a bedroom. The couch is closer, and Thunder drops me right into it with a feral growl. Shadow pulls the coffee table aside, leaving all four of them standing in front me, in a half circle. Them, and me. It makes me feel small, like a bunny cornered by a pack of bears.

Big, sexy bears.

“Take off your shirt,” orders Shadow in his dark, raspy voice that makes me all melty. He unbuckles his belt and starts undoing his jeans.

I don't want to miss the show if he's about to pull himself out, so I grip the hem of my shirt with both hands and eagerly twist it up over my head. It's not long since doing that in front of a bunch of guys was absolutely out of the question. An everyday girl, with everyday lumps and curves isn't what most guys want, or at least that's what I'd been convinced of. But now?

The pure lust in their starving expressions as they watch my every move, as their eyes rove over my body like they're trying to strip me by gaze alone… They make me feel like the goddess of a sex cult, and they're the four big, rough, incredibly well hung high priests preparing to worship me.

As I undo my bra, all four of them are pulling down their pants, exposing the proofs of their lust, all long, thick and so incredibly hard—just for me.

“Fuck,” Outlaw hisses as I toss my bra aside, making my breasts bounce. “Come here.”

Shadow grabs a cushion off the couch and tosses it on the floor to give me something to kneel on. As soon as I'm stable, Outlaw hooks his hand behind my head and pulls my mouth onto his cock. It's already seeping salty precum, and as I swirl my tongue around to taste it all, I play with his frenulum ring, flicking it back and forth. He groans and tightens his grip.