Somewhere at the top of that building, my mother and the man who is very likely my father are being held.

My fingers dig into Outlaw's vest. If Vincent has hurt either of them, I'm not going to be held responsible for what I do.

The bikes overwhelm the whole front of the casino, along with leather-clad bikers of all shapes, sizes and colors. Each one lethal, and on every single back, a patch that reads Screaming Eagles MC. People flee as the bikers storm through the doors.

“C'mon,” Outlaw says and drags me along.

This time there was no argument when I said I was going. Not even when I asked for a gun of my own. Last time I barely managed to get off one shot, and this time I hope to God that I won't have to use it, but if I do, I’ll hit my target.

Eagle-eye barks orders in that gravelly voice of his. “Snark's working on breaking into their systems. Don't ask me exactly what that means, but he’ll make it happen. I'm giving you Nitro, who's got his usual goodie bag with him. Don’t fuck it up this time.”

“Sounds fun,” Lightning says with a grin. “Mesner's never gonna fucking know what hit him.”

Shadow nods. “I fucking appreciate all this manpower. The more hopeless Mesner's situation seems, the more likely he'll surrender easy”

“I'll take payment outta you guys later,” Eagle-eye says with a grin, then notices me. “You're bringing her?”

“She's earned the right,” says Thunder. “Besides, Harper's been to the penthouse level before. She can give us the fucking tour.”

Eagle-eye nods. “Don't gotta convince me. Your gig, your decisions. We're here to back you up and do our best to make sure everyone makes it home safe today. Make it good because this is probably my last hurrah before Miriam pops.”

We push our way into the lobby, filling it with the smell of leather and motor oil. It's strange to be back here. The massive staircase cuts up through the middle of the room, right up to the ballroom where, in what feels like forever ago, I was supposed to get married to a man who was apparently going to kill me on our honeymoon. Heavy curtains have been drawn over the entrance, with a sign that reads, “UNDER RENOVATION.”

I bet.

“We need her key card,” I tell Shadow, pointing.

Shadow takes the lead, but the five of us move like a unit, right up to the concierge, who looks ready to pee her pants. “I'm afraid I can't allow all of you in here. There are fire codes and—”

“Mesner's expecting us,” says Shadow, cutting her off. “So if you could just kindly show us the way…”

She squeaks. “I'm sorry, Mr. Mesner isn't available today. Perhaps you'd like to—”

“Now,” says Thunder, drawing himself to his full height. Lightning too, as if one massive, angry biker wasn't enough to intimidate her.

“I can't—”

“Oh, I'm sure you fucking can,” says Outlaw.

Behind her, where there's a big glass wall that separates the upper floor of the casino from the reception, people have started to gather, pressing their faces against the window and trying to catch a glimpse of what’s happening without risking getting caught in what looks like a massive biker raid.

“Please,” begs the concierge.

“Fuck it,” says Shadow, reaching over and grabbing the access card at her belt that looks like it's been taped onto the fastener. It rips off easily.

We push past, and the card opens the door into a private lobby behind the concierge, with a private elevator, and fire stairs next to it. “Guess that's the elevator that got Carnell,” Shadow says. “We're taking the stairs.”

With a collective groan, we start climbing, followed by Phoenix, Havoc, Sledge and a couple of more Eagles I don't know. Hopefully enough to deal with whatever's waiting for us on top.

The first few floors aren't bad, but by the time we're ten floors up, the idea of thirty-something more sounds like hell. The guys are continuing up like it's nothing, but I'm not built like they are, that's for sure. It must be obvious, because Thunder sweeps me right up and puts me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I hit his back, but I could be trying to spank concrete and tell it to behave for all the effect it has.

“You're tired, I'm not. Now shut up.”

Lightning, who's walking behind us, looks up at me. “And if he gets tired, I'll take over. Easy. Any opportunity to get my hands on you, babe.”

Oh, for Pete’s sake.

It's not until the thirty-ninth floor that we come to a door that requires the key card to get through. And it opens straight into a lobby packed with bodyguards, the ones that Vincent surrounds himself with, armed and waiting for us. Instead of dropping me in front, Thunder simply passes me backwards so Lightning can catch and put me down, using Thunder for a shield. He flips me around so I land on my feet.