Shadow kisses me, almost upside down as he's gotten on the bed next to my head, where there's room. His lips are rough, and he caresses my throat and shoulders like he owns me while the twins and Outlaw take care of the rest.

God, I've never felt anything so intense. So many tongues at once. It's like floating on a cloud that knows where all my erogenous zones are.

It takes almost no time before I'm clutching Thunder and Lightning to keep from launching off the bed. Outlaw's driving me to the edge with his studded tongue. He knows exactly where to touch, where to push, where to kiss, and when he slips a thick finger inside and fucks me with it, it's all over.

I scream into Shadow's mouth, while Outlaw's tongue drives me wild and Thunder and Lightning make my nipples shoot sparks of pleasure straight down to my core. Using the twins' backs for leverage and digging my heels into the bed, I strain against them as every muscle in my body goes tight. I'm exploding, and the four of them carry me right through every single aftershock until I drop limp to the bed, panting like I've just run a marathon.

“Stop. Wait. Let me breathe,” I gasp. I pound the twins on their backs and squeeze my thighs around Outlaw's head to stop them. “God!”

“Take it that means we're doing okay?” Lightning asks. He's wearing the very definition of a shit-eating grin.

“God, yeah, you guys are amazing, perfect, blah blah blah. Just… let me recover for a second.” I close my eyes and just breathe for a bit before opening them again.

Outlaw's beard glistens with the proof of his hard work, but it's not his mouth that's nudging at my folds now. His big cock looks ready to burst out of the condom, but I appreciate him thinking clearer than me. One day, maybe I’ll experience this with nothing between us, but we should probably have a talk first. He grips his shaft and parts me slowly, easing his thickness into my pussy.

“Oh fuck, I'm in fucking Heaven,” he groans as enters me, inch by agonizingly wonderful inch. I moan and my body twitches, making me squeeze him tight.

One of the twins, Thunder, I think, is up on his knees and he presents his cock to my lips. “Open.”

“Rule three?”

Shadow chuckles. “Definitely.”

Obeying is no hardship with them.

Thunder's flavor is a touch of saltiness and pure maleness on my tongue. I swirl it around the big crown while I suck on him, trying to make him feel as good as they do me. And as Outlaw eases himself deeper and deeper, I moan around Thunder as well, the vibration making him moan in turn. It's the sexiest chain reaction I've ever been part of.

Meanwhile, Lightning's taken over both of my breasts, sucking on one and rolling the nipple on the other between his dexterous fingers. He knows exactly how carefully to tug, how hard to bite, how much tongue to apply. He's so good at it. Outlaw shifts his hips, and suddenly I feel his piercing, a small but steady rub against my inner walls.

“Fuck,” Thunder hisses and pulls back.

Shadow turns me to face his big cock. He presses against my lips and I let him in. Thunder was happy for me to explore him with my lips and tongue, but Shadow drives with purpose, holding my head still while he thrusts his length right up to the back of my mouth. He's so thick, and every so often, he hits a little deep, making me gag, then eases off.

He's a lot, but knowing I'm exciting him enough that he loses control? That’s pretty hot too.

I’m struggling to keep track of everyone and what they’re doing, and eventually give up, letting myself just enjoy the sensation of being totally and completely mastered.

Outlaw goes faster, harder, his hips bumping against mine as he fills me over and over. Shadow pulls out of my mouth, giving me a moment to gasp, before Thunder's taking another turn. And all the while, Lightning is making sure not an inch of my body is left untouched. It's no wonder that just as Outlaw seems to be rising towards his finish, I'm right there with him. We groan together, his deep thrusts turning ragged as I fist the sheets.

We come together. Him driving his cock to the root just as I arch my back and press my hips up to accept him. He holds himself in me, his big cock throbbing so hard I can feel every pulse of cum deep inside me. That something so thin as a condom is capable of handling so much sends an excited ripple through me. It feels dangerous.

When he withdraws, Thunder takes his place. I've barely landed after my last orgasm when his big cock spreads me wide, and even though he feels totally different from Outlaw, my body adjusts to fit him just as well. Male and female, perfectly made for each other.