“Alright, let's get a move on then.” And if any of these fuckers have hurt Harper or Outlaw, I'm gonna fucking eradicate every last one of them.

The back stairs take us up to the fourth floor, which is eerily quiet. Did everyone rush downstairs, or are they waiting above? There's voices coming from down the corridor. I shush the others and wave for them to follow me quietly.

“You can't possibly believe that they're coming to get you now.” Fuck Mesner and his slimy gloating. But who's he gloating at? “They're dead or gone, and no court would blame my people. They defended themselves and the poor innocent patients in this facility from a rogue cop and the criminal bikers he associates with. Who've already assaulted me and my property once, remember? Not to mention kidnapping my poor, innocent daughter on her wedding day.”

“I don’t believe you, and nobody else will either,” Harper snaps back. Hopefully, that means Outlaw’s still standing too.

I inch closer, getting my iron out. If I get Mesner in my sights, fuck non-lethal means. The others follow, quietly, with their pieces drawn, too. Carnell doesn't look happy about it, but I don't give a fuck. Harper's safety comes first.

“We’re wasting time. Get them on the chopper. We're getting out of here.'

“No!” A gun goes off.

Motherfucker. I move faster.

There's the sound of a struggle, and now I'm running. There's no fucking way I'm letting that motherfucker fly off with Harper. I'm gonna fucking murder him first.

The first thing I see is two big guys dragging Harper towards stairs leading up. She's fighting against them with all her might, but they're too strong. One of them’s bleeding from a gunshot graze to the shoulder, but not enough to stop him.

Behind them, Outlaw’s fighting just as hard against the guys holding him. He’s holding his own for now, but they've got him outnumbered.

Mesner is already on top of the stairs, walking away behind a woman being carried by a couple of orderlies, probably heading for the chopper he mentioned.

It's time to fucking break up this party. I raise my gun and aim straight for Mesner's head.

When the gun goes off is when the shit really hits the fan.

One of Mesner's guys sees me coming, and fucking jumps in the way of my bullet. It hits him right in the chest and knocks him into Mesner, sending both of them flying. Fuck, I don't know how much that fucker's paying them, but it'd better be good for that kinda loyalty.

The moment Outlaw sees us coming, he rears up, taking advantage of the surprise and throwing off the guys struggling to keep him down.

“Get the fuck off her!” Thunder yells, charging the whole crowd like a fucking bull, trying to get to Harper, but even he can't bowl over all of Mesner's men at once. While we’re all fucking around, they’re dragging her farther away.

“Goddamnit,” Mesner yells, scrambling to his feet and breaking into a run. “Devin, shoot that little bitch and take care of these assholes once and for all.” He and the orderlies push through a set of double doors that slam shut behind them, while the Devin guy charges after Harper, pulling his gun. Fuck. I take a shot, but he’s already around the corner.

“Go after them,” yells Shadow while he puts a bullet in one of the guys attacking Outlaw. The goon drops, dead before he hits the floor. “Thunder! You too!”

“I'll get Mesner,” yells Carnell, his gun out and ready. Guess even he knows when to stop dicking around.


Carnell and his guy rushes up the stairs after Mesner, and Shadow waves for Phoenix and Havoc to assist. Then he guns down one of the goons who tries to put a bullet in Thunder.

“Harper!” I yell, shouldering a guy into the wall and charging after her, followed closely by Thunder.

Doesn't take long to find them. Devin's got Harper, and has her throat in an arm lock while he's holding his gun to her head. “I'll let her live if you let me go. I’m not dying for that selfish asshole.”

“And if we don't?”

“Then I've got nothing to lose. Come on, you know how it is. I was just following orders.” His head swivels as he looks around for a way out.

“Orders?” I narrow my eyes at him. Something about that doesn't sound right. “To do what?”

One of Mesner’s guards tries to move, but Thunder waves the barrel of his gun at him, and he—quite sensibly—stops.

“What do you mean? Marry her. It was just a job.” Devin sounds really fucking shifty.

“Marrying a pretty girl ain't a job. What were your orders?”

He pauses and swallows nervously.


“Fine! Fuck. I did some work for Mesner and my reward was an all-expenses paid trip. My ticket was round trip. Hers wasn’t. Is that clear enough?” He makes sure Harper's right in front of him and his gun is carefully aimed right at her temple. “It wasn’t personal.”