“Well,” says Shadow and stretches, “I wish you luck. As long as we get Eileen outta there, and keep Harper safe, that's what matters. Putting Mesner out of our misery, one way or another, is just a bonus.”

“I doubt he’ll be at the facility,” says Carnell. “He lives in the penthouse of the Diamond Oasis, and does most of his work there, too. I’m sure he’ll want to see Eileen, but I don’t know what he feels about her these days. Once we have her, my guys,” he gestures at his men behind him, “will help Eileen and Harper get to safety.”

“And we’re supposed to trust you, why?” I ask, frowning. “Last time things went south, you and your people took off. She was an innocent fucking victim and you didn’t give a shit about Harper.”

Carnell runs his fingers through his sandy beard. “I really am sorry about that. Wires were crossed in the chaos. I was with the group that tried to follow Mesner. I admit I could’ve handled it better, but I never meant to leave her in the line of fire. Quite frankly, I was desperate because they were already talking about reassigning me and putting Mesner’s investigation on ice. All this?” He gestures around. “This is off the books. At the end of the day, I’d rather have him off the streets than get credit. Now let’s concentrate on getting this done. There’s no time for dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s.”

Lightning rumbles a chuckle. “Sneaky. I don’t think we’re as different as you would like to think.”

There's definitely something about this that still scratches at the back of my brain, but I don't know what the fuck it is. Carnell’s right, we need to get Eileen and Harper out of Mesner’s reach.

But will that mean leaving them in Carnell’s?

I don’t like the sound of that at all.



“Get a fucking move on,” Shadow snaps quietly.

“Almost… there. Got it.” The door clicks, and Outlaw gives it a nudge. It swings open, a black maw in the darkness. No lights on inside. Lightning pulls out his phone and uses it as a flashlight, revealing a storage area. Crates are stacked against the wall, and shelves are lined with boxes, marked with medical information.

Thunder nods. “Get in before someone sees us.”

It's just past four AM, and it seems like the whole place is asleep. It feels more like a high security luxury spa than Lillyglade, which was nice, but not on this level. All the rooms have big windows and balconies, probably with great views of the mountains.

From the outside, we could see dim lights in some of the rooms, probably night owls, or the break room for the people who work here. Carnell and one of his men went to reception to distract them, and see if they could talk their way or at least get information while we sneak in the back.

“The stairs should be through there.” Thunder points at an unmarked door. “If the plans are up to date, that should get us to your Mom’s floor. Unless we are shit out of luck and it’s just some other poor woman who fits her medical profile.”

It’s her. I feel it. It has to be. I tried to guess which window was hers from outside, but they all looked identical. I wish I knew how she was doing. It kills me to not know if she’s scared or hurting.

“Sledge, you stay here with Reaper and Beast, make sure our way out is clear. Phoenix and Havoc, you're with us,” Shadow commands.

How messed up is my life that this is starting to be a little fun? Not the life and death part, but I can see why a certain type of person is attracted to this kind of life. Putting these guys behind desks would be like killing them slowly. They aren’t made for the real world, but their brotherhood gives them a different kind of structure.

We reach the first floor landing. There’s a camera on the ceiling, but I try to pretend it doesn't exist. It makes me too nervous. In theory, one of Carnell’s men is taking care of the surveillance. Either way, we're not stopping here. Mom's upstairs. On the second floor, though, the stairwell ends.

“Fuck,” growls Shadow quietly. “This wasn't on the plan.”

“Do we go back down? Or into the hall?” asks Lightning.

Outlaw frowns. “Where are the next stairs?”

“Halfway down the hall on the inside wall, but that’s assuming the plan got that part right. Let’s keep going, there’s no guarantee that doubling back will be any better.” Shadow tries the door off the landing, and it opens silently.

The hallway looks like a hotel, with doors on both sides at regular intervals. Soft running lights line the floor, giving enough light to move around by, but not so much as to disturb the patients. I don't know how much goes on in the middle of the night, but this has to be risky. There are always nurses on call, and people who might need help.