“It is,” I say.

He doesn’t look away from her. “I hope Thunder’s right, because their blood will be on your hands, girl.”

Harper's eyes widen as she looks at each of us. I think because of how we met, she’s been feeling like we’re all in this together, when the reality is that once we made it back to the compound, our part in this mess was technically over. Anything we do from now on is for her.

“Fine, but I’m not sending you on your own.” Prez leans back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head. “There's a lot going on, so teams are busy. The Fallen Angels just got triplets in their fucking laps, so they're out. Go talk to Sledge. He’s been working with the prospects since we had to clean house and could use a change of scenery. Take him and whoever he wants to bring.”

“Appreciate this, Prez,” I say.

“Like I could fucking stop you,” he grumbles. “Now you fuckers better come home safe, or I'm bringing the whole fucking club up there to kill you assholes all over again.”



When the lights of Vegas appear on the horizon, a wave of deja vu washes over me. Has it only been a week since we drove into town thinking we could hit Mesner hard and run? So much has happened since then that it feels like a fucking lifetime.

There’s still a dull ache in my side from where I got popped, but Doc helped fix me up and I’m not as worried about springing a leak every time I hit a pothole. We made good time, only stopping to stretch and grab a bite to eat as we drove through the night. Shadow's riding point, with Harper on his bike. The wonder twins are bringing up our rear, with Sledge, Phoenix and Havoc riding alongside.

Sledge took it hard when we found a traitor in the group, and he’s thrown himself into the club like a fucking animal ever since. He’s been brutal with the prospects, but Reaper and Beast have kept on trucking. Normally I wouldn't like the idea of running with anyone who hasn’t been sworn in, but they were there when shit went down this past winter. They’ve seen what it means to ride with us, and they’re still with us.

Harper turns her head, blonde hair sticking out below her helmet and fluttering in the wind.

She’s going to tear us apart if she leaves. I can feel it. Thunder and Lightning are already sliding from lust to love, and Shadow’s more cautious, but right behind them. It would be so fucking easy to join up. The feel of her hand on my cock and those big blue eyes is fucking burned into my brain. I slipped up, let myself think she would be out of our lives by now.


She thinks I’m some sort of hero for taking a bullet, but the truth is it was easy. Hell, I’d do it again without even hesitating. I don’t have a death wish, but what the fuck is my life worth, really? The people who created me didn’t give a shit, and the ones who came after them returned me to the store like a puppy who got too big once they had their real fucking kid. It’s easier not to get attached.

But somehow in spite of everything, the Eagles became my family, and Shadow, Thunder and Lightning my brothers.

And now one woman could destroy all of that by walking away.

Or sticking around, and revealing whatever fundamentally broken thing is inside me.

I’m a fucking coward.

It’s two AM, but Vegas is such a twenty-four seven circus that our group riding through doesn’t stick out much, and two days is more than enough time for the news cycle to have made most people forget all about our little dust up. I'm tense anyway, and I can see from how they’re riding that the others are just as watchful of me.

I make sure my gun sits loose as we cruise up to where Shadow and Carnell agreed to meet. Nobody’s turning their backs, that's for fucking sure. It looks like a power transformer station, tucked in between an apartment building and a gas station. We park around the back and find Carnell waiting by the door. He waves us in.

After a short walk down a dark corridor, he opens the door to a large room. Fuck, this coulda been on a cop show, complete with a corkboard that'd be perfect for one of those picture boards covered in red string to link a dozen different things together. There's a coffee machine, a water tank, some cookies and other snacks spread out on a table and all of it lit off under sickly fluorescent lights. In addition to Carnell, there's a couple more cops here, keeping back and watching us with distrust in their eyes. I guess working with a bunch of dirty bikers isn't their idea of a good time. Glad we brought some backup.