Shadow nods slowly, but it's Outlaw who surprises me by answering first. “I'll show you.”

He confuses me so much. I’m not afraid of him anymore, not after he saved my life, but I’m really not sure how he feels about me. The others feel more straightforward. Lightning is an open book, Thunder isn’t as easy going, but what you see is what you get. If he didn’t like me, I’d know it. Shadow took longer, but I think it’s because he carries the most responsibility. Outlaw…

I owe him my life. “Are you sure? I mean, if you need to rest I understand.”

“I’m fucking fine. I said I’ll do it,” he growls.

Thunder pushes me in Outlaws direction. “Don’t argue. We're all decent shots, but Outlaw trains with Quickshot. He helps a lot of the new members learn to shoot. He'll teach you right.”

“Okay. Let’s do it.” I nod, a little nervous but determined not to chicken out. I asked for this, and maybe if I show Outlaw that I’m not completely useless, he won’t be as grumpy around me.

Outlaw turns and walks off, heading away from the group. He pauses without looking back. “You coming?”

“Yeah! Sorry!” I jog to catch up, ignoring the chuckles from behind me.

He stops at a rock that could function as a table, pulls his gun out and removes the ammo. He hands the gun to me.

I nearly drop it in surprise. “Wow, it's heavier than I thought.”

“Had I known, I woulda brought something smaller for you to learn on. But this is what I’ve got. The first and most important rule with guns is that they’re always loaded. Even if you’re a hundred percent sure they aren’t, always treat them like they are.”

“Right.” This is reminding me of Shadow’s three rules. “Is there a second rule?”

“Yeah, don’t fucking point it at anything you don’t intend to shoot.”

“Is the third rule to always do what you say?” I tease, before catching myself.

His brows knit together. “What the fuck are you talking about? The third rule is to never rest your finger on the trigger. Do you want to learn or not?”

“Yes, sorry.”

Outlaw goes over the basics. Figuring out my dominant eye and then the different parts of the gun while I do my best to follow along. Then he gets right up behind me. His arms come around so he can show me how to hold the gun with both hands. The grip is thick, obviously made for someone with hands like his, not mine. “Hold it like this. Yeah. You don't really use your thumbs, but try to squeeze between your index finger and your palm. Keep it as steady as you can.”

He has me get into a staggered stance, shows me how to hold it, bracing my grip so I don't lose control, and to hold it so it doesn't twist when I pull the trigger. With every new position, he guides me with his hands, on my wrists, on my upper arms, on my hips. His hand brushes over the front of my shirt, and of course it's right across the nipple, which comes alive with a tingle that shivers its way through me all the way down to my toes. I need to focus, but there’s something sexy about a man who's obviously very skilled at something, and is giving you his full attention while teaching you.

There's so much more to firing a gun than I realized. The movies make it look like it's all point and click. But finally, he sets up a few differently sized rocks on the larger one we’ve been using as a table, and has us move about 10 yards away. He positions us with his chest flush with my back and his arms right along my arms and steadying them. Is it me, or can I feel his heart beating?

“Just close your left eye, align the sights and pull the trigger,” he says, his no-nonsense voice right in my ear. His breath hot on my neck. I swallow thickly and squeeze the trigger.

The hammer slams home loud enough to make me jump, even without being loaded. I don't know why I expected a big explosion. Maybe all the anticipation is making me skittish.

“Good. Do it again.” He repositions my wrists just a little. “Right there.”

His choice of words makes me think of Shadow ordering me to take him in my mouth last night. This might be easier if Outlaw’s voice didn’t make me feel like we’re doing something way dirtier than we are. Especially when he's wrapped around me like this.

I pull the trigger two more times, without jumping this time. Click click. I actually feel a little proud when he grunts in approval.

“Alright, I'm gonna load the gun. Remember the rules?”

I nod. “Always treat a gun like it's loaded. Don’t point at anything I don’t want to shoot. Don’t rest my finger on the trigger.” I kinda think he’d approve of Shadow’s third rule, too, but I’m not going to bring it up again.