Including the one I’m pretty sure hates me, who showed how easily he can turn violent, and who could end my life in the blink of an eye. And is the one currently holding the gun.

“Alright. Fuck it.” Shadow shakes his head in disappointment. “Call us if you change your mind. I’m sure your little girl will fit right in with the sluts at the club.”

I hold my breath. Even if he doesn’t care about me at all, it wouldn’t look good for him to let them take me.


“You're not going anywhere,” says Vincent icily, as his men raise their weapons. One of them taps their earpiece, and a door slams outside. Reinforcements. “It would be a shame if she got hurt, but no court in the world would convict me for trying to save her, especially not in this town.”

Bruno, silent this whole time, suddenly draws his gun and aims it straight at Mesner. “If anyone touches the door, I'm gonna fucking shoot. People are dying because of you already. What’s a few more?”

“What the fuck are you doing?” Thunder asks in a dangerous growl.

“Stand down!” Shadow orders, fury radiating from him like a furnace.

The gag in my mouth is making it hard to breathe. I know it’s not suffocating me, but it feels like I can’t draw a real breath.

Bruno doesn’t listen. He takes a step forward, aiming right at Mesner's head. “Maybe we can just eliminate the problem right here. What's it gonna be? Clean up your shit? Or rot in here until someone finds the body?”

And that's the last thing Bruno ever says, because the words are still leaving his mouth as one of my father’s guards puts a bullet right through his face. I jerk away, my scream muffled by the gag, but something hot hits my face, and the gory image of Bruno’s head exploding is burned into my brain. I struggle against my ties, all concepts of good guys and bad guys forgotten in my panic.

More shots.

It’s loud. So loud. How can anything be this loud? Everything is happening at once. I thought the scene at the bar was scary, but compared to this, it might as well have been a pillow fight. One of Vincent's men grunts and slams into the door. He slides limply to the floor, a dark red stain spreading across his chest.

Where’s Carnell and his people?

“Finish them,” my father yells, walking out the door while even more of his men pile in.

“Get her out of here!” Shadow yells. The three of them form a semi-circle around me as Outlaw cuts through the rope holding me to the chair.

“Harper, stay down!” growls Lightning as he fires his gun. The shot hits a guard who Thunder grabs and sends reeling into more of my father’s men.

They don't need to tell me twice. I'm already out of the chair when he yells, setting a course for the next room that has a back door. It's awkward with my hands still partly bound, but I keep my head down and do my best. Heavy footprints sound behind me, and I pray they're on my side.

A bullet hits the wall near my shoulder, throwing me off balance as I shy away from it.

“Don't stop,” snaps Outlaw, right behind me. Thank God.

But I’m not moving fast enough. Outlaw's strong hands go around my waist and he half pulls, half carries me. Just as we reach the door, he stiffens, sudden surprise in his expression. He grips the door handle and leans all his weight on it as he coughs.

“What happened?”

“Keep going,” he bites out. There's a hole torn through his biker vest, and crimson blood is spreading across the white t-shirt underneath.





Motherfucker! I knew we couldn’t trust that cop.

With Shadow on our six, and Outlaw hooked over our shoulders, me and Thunder burst out the back into the construction site. Everything is chaos. Mesner is long gone, and his people are either fleeing like rats off a sinking ship, or exchanging fire with what must be the few people Carnell left behind. Probably to make sure we didn’t walk away either. A helicopter passes overhead.

I knew this could go south, I just had no idea how south it would go. “Hang in there. You hear me?”

Outlaw grunts, sounding fucking annoyed, which is a good sign. If he's got the energy to be angry, we have time to plug the hole.

At least I fucking hope so.

“That way!” Shadow snarls, pointing to the metal skeleton of a high rise waiting for construction to resume.

Harper is doing her best to keep up, running for all she’s worth with her hands tied. She’s struggling, but there’s no way to stop and help without leaving us all sitting ducks.

“What the fuck just happened?” Thunder rumbles as we duck behind the base of a crane. “Did Carnell order that idiot to open fire?”