“Is it okay that I’m sitting with you? After earlier I mean? Do you think Thunder and Lightning mind?” Harper glances over at them, but they've gotten into conversation with Red.

“Mind what?”

“You know. Don’t make me say it.” She looks uncertain. “I know we’re not dating or anything—I’m not that naive— but I thought bikers would be the jealous types? I don't want to be the cause of anything between—”

“You’re too fucking precious,” I say, trying not to laugh, because I can tell she’s serious. “If you decided to flirt with old Red over there? That might be a fucking issue, but the four of us are a team. There’s no room for jealousy between us. One for all and all for one.” I wink.


Testing the waters, I put a hand on her thigh, not too high, but enough to be more than friendly. I give it a squeeze through her jeans. “Curious?”

She shakes her head with a little laugh, but she doesn't move my hand away. “My mom's recovering from almost dying, I'm about to help set up the father I just met after being kidnapped from my sham wedding, and if it works, I’ll probably end up with a lifetime of medical debt.” Her cheeks color the most adorable shade of red.

“If you ask me, that sounds like a lot of good fucking lesson about enjoying life while you can.” I stroke her thigh with my thumb, just a little bit back and forth.

A quick glance down and a slight indrawn breath shows that she notices, but she doesn't do anything, at least not yet. “I feel like I’m drowning. It started before we met, and I’m trying to figure out if you’re pulling me out, or pushing me deeper.”

“Oh, we’ll push deep if you want us to, baby girl.”

She's warm against my chest, and so damn soft. I’ve wanted to get my hands on her since seeing her in that snow white wedding dress gave me a lot of dirty fucking ideas, and especially after seeing what was hiding underneath it when we walked in on her having a little fun with Lightning and Thunder.

“Motherfucker!” Outlaw belts out a curse just as a glass hits the floor and shatters. I turn Harper away from whatever the fuck is going on and see him standing toe to toe with an ugly fucker with thick, dark eyebrows.

“Fucking Eagles. This isn’t your damn turf. I bet you’ll shit yourselves without the whole fucking club here to back you up.”

Outlaw smirks and tilts his head to the side, cracking his neck. People underestimate him because he’s young and not as big as some of the guys, but it’s a mistake. Of the four of us, he’s the meanest son of a bitch, hands down. Outlaw fights every battle like it might be his last. “I guess we’re famous after all. Do you want an autograph, shithead?”

“What the fuck did you just say?” The guy steps up and puts his hands on Outlaw’s cut.

It’s like someone cast a fucking spell on about a ten foot circle around us, clearing the crowd instantly. Lightning and Thunder are on their feet, ready to jump in. Red calmly collects the glasses on the bar and puts them aside. Not his first rodeo.

The guy doesn’t stand a chance. Outlaw lands a quick hard punch to his throat, leaving him gasping and gurgling in pain. He takes a swing, but it doesn’t come close to landing. Outlaw laughs, and grabs him by the back of the neck, bending him in two and planting his knee right in the guy’s gut. He hits the floor and Outlaw holds his head in the pool of spilled beer and glass shards.

“Don’t. Fucking. Touch. Me.” Outlaw looks up and sweeps the watching crowd with his dark gaze. “Anyone else?”

The bar is dead silent, dozens of grizzled bikers waiting to see if anyone is stupid enough to say yes.

Red slams a new beer down in front of us. “Burgers are up!”

Outlaw grins. “Good. I’m fucking starving.”



Yesterday all I wanted was for this to be over, but I’m not ready. The quiet ticking of the clock on the wall sounds like a drum banging over and over while we wait to see if my father and his men show up. Carnell’s man, a scruffy cop named Bruno, is undercover as one of the Screaming Eagles. Maybe it’s just because I’ve been with them for the past few days, but he feels all wrong. He’s too stiff.

The guys seem to feel the same. They’re all watching him like a cobra that could strike at any moment. Bruno doesn’t seem to care, leaning against a desk in the empty construction office Carnell chose for the meeting. He picked it because the building of the huge complex behind it is on pause, and it’s outta the way. If shit goes wrong, there won’t be any bystanders.