Turns out, the twins really are identical… everywhere.

Tentatively, I reach out, and this time there’s no doubt about what I'm gripping. Thunder's pulse presses against my palm and he groans at my touch. I have no hope of getting my fingers all around him, he's too thick. They both are.

What are they expecting me to do? I mean, I’ve read plenty of steamy books, but real life is different… I lean forwards, opening my mouth and tentatively sticking my tongue out. If they can lick me, the least I can do is return the favor.

I can almost taste Thunder’s satiny smooth skin, when the hotel room door slams open.

I scream, grabbing the bed covers and yanking them around me even though it’s probably way too late. Shadow and Outlaw are in the door, taking all of us in.

“For fuck’s sake. Couldn’t you have waited just a little longer?” snaps Lightning, pulling his pants back up.

“Like I wanted to look at your hairy ass,” comments Shadow and laughs harshly.

Outlaw shakes his head and closes the door. “Can’t say I’m surprised. You’ve only got so many ways to calm a woman down.”

“Oh fuck off,” says Thunder, zipping his jeans. “Did you bring food? I’m fucking starving.”

How can these guys just stand there like nothing happened? I scramble to grab my clothes and slide down the far side of the bed. My heart is beating a mile a minute and I make a break for the bathroom to get dressed without putting on any more of a show than I already have. My legs still feel like jello after my orgasm. I barely make it without going flat on my face.

Once I'm fully dressed, I quickly wash my face over the sink, staring at the girl in the mirror. A little crooked smile paints the lips of the woman looking back at me. Oh my God. I can’t believe I just did that. I take a deep, steadying breath. If they can be calm about this, I can too. Maybe. Besides, it’s not like I can hide in the bathroom forever.

I walk out to them sitting like a war council, two on each bed. They all turn towards me. Something has shifted between me and the twins. Thunder and Lightning know me on a different level now, and there’s something subtly different about how they look at me. I wet my lips nervously while turning my attention to the others.

Shadow seems thoughtful, and his eyes follow me like he would strip me right back out of my clothes if he had the chance. Like he would’ve happily made it three on one, if the opportunity arose. Now that’s a thought that has me tingling, wondering if I would do it. God, one or two sexy experiences, and…

Outlaw, on the other hand, looks skeptical, even a little hostile. He doesn’t trust me, and he’s not bothering to hide it.

I crawl onto the bed, settling between Thunder and Lightning, feeling just a little safer with both of them at my side.

“I think we need to do it,” says Outlaw. Shocking me for a second until I realize what the topic is. Vincent Mesner.

My father.

Shadow nods, but he doesn’t look happy about it. “Carnell is fucking drooling at the chance to nail this guy. The plan is held together with string and a prayer, but it could work.”

“What does he want?” I ask.

“We contact your father, making him promise to stay out of our territory in exchange for you. Carnell is gonna slip one of his guys in with us. He’ll be wearing a wire so if we can get Mesner talking, he’s hoping he’ll get enough to pull him in. It's hairy as fuck, but if we wanna get out of town without a national APB, then we don't have much fucking choice.”

“I don’t like any of this,” Thunder grumbles. “Working with cops feels like tying a noose around my own neck.”

“No fucking kidding. Still, while I don’t trust Carnell, I believe him when he says he doesn’t really give a shit about us so long as we cooperate. If we were home safe at the clubhouse, I’d tell them all to go fuck themselves, but we gotta play the hand we’re dealt. I hate to fucking say it, but there's not a lot roads outta this city. What are we gonna do? Fly home and leave our bikes here? No fucking way. We’ve pulled off crazier shit than this, and if everything works out, we can put all this behind us.”

Outlaw nods, his dark eyes fixed on me. “There’s only one hitch. He’s gonna want proof of life. He’s not gonna accept a fucking picture, so he’s gonna want to hear and see Harper.”

Which means they have to trust me to play along. The unspoken question is, can they?