“Fuck, you're beautiful,” he says reverently.

Maybe it's just as well that Thunder's head is in the way, because I'm pretty sure I'm blushing like a tomato. Lightning's right there. What if I look weird? Or he doesn't—

My train of thought completely derails when Lightning's tongue slides right through my slickness like he wants to taste all of me at once. I've never felt anything like it, thick, wide and devilishly talented. Outlaw’s tongue piercing flashes through my mind for a second, but I shove the thought away as fast as I can. Aren’t two guys enough?

It’s a good thing Lightning has a strong grip on my thighs, or I’d worry about how hard I’m squeezing. His powerful fingers dig into my flesh as he holds me open and paints my pussy with his tongue. I’m locked between them, and with every tug of Thunder’s mouth around my nipples and the way his twin is working me over, it's not going to be long before I lose it. I'm already breathing hard and getting goosebumps as the heat inside me grows warmer and warmer.

My virginity is hanging by a thread. No one's ever made me come before. I thought I was pretty good with my fingers, but twin tongues are a kind of magic I could never have imagined.

Muscles tight and my body quivering beneath them, I press my ass into the bed as I arch into their touch. I squeeze my eyes tight, drowning in the sensation of soft, insistent, wet tongues against my skin. Lightning finds my clit, circling his tongue around it in a steady, swirling pattern that inches me closer and closer to exploding.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” I chant.

Thunder lets my nipple go. He stretches out beside me and turns my head to face him, his lips rough against mine as his tongue demands to be let in. His strong hand covers my throat, holding me gently but firmly in place as he kisses me crazy. I grip his shirt frantically for something to hold on to, just as Lightning slips a thick finger inside me.

“She’s so fucking wet for us,” he says with a smug chuckle.

I can’t even be mad because he’s right. I squeeze tight as the orgasm builds deep in my core. Even just his finger is a stretch. Their cocks might kill me!

Thunder's grip on my throat tightens, or maybe it's just me pressing myself harder against him. I don't have a lot of control over my reactions right now, just doing my best to kiss him back as Lightning’s tongue dances over my clit while his finger slowly works me open, stoking the fire blazing inside me.

I scream as I come, right into Thunder's mouth. His fingers roll my nipples while his twin works me through an orgasm that’s so intense I don’t know if I’ll ever come down. It’s the first time I’ve ever had someone else in control of my pleasure like this, and it’s a totally different experience. Usually my finish passes quickly, but with Lightning in charge, I have no choice but to ride the waves. My heart thunders and I gasp for breath. I'm either dying or going to Heaven.

Or both.

I float, hovering between the two of them for what seems like an eternity. I can't even sense the bed beneath me, though I know on some level it’s there. When I come down, it’s like a ragdoll, all my muscles lax after the intense surge of pleasure finally runs its course, leaving me limp and satisfied. If I knew it could be like this, I might've been a little more adventurous in the past. But then I wouldn't have this moment, and I don't think I'd want to give that up for anything in the world.

My eyes flutter open, finding two nearly identical faces looking down at me, both with the same smug grin. They know what they did, and God are they pleased with themselves.

“Carry me out, I'm dead,” I whisper, barely raising one hand before it seems like too much effort and it flops back to the bed.

Lightning laughs. “Fuck no. I’m willing to try most things once, but even I’ve got limits, and alive is definitely a requirement.”

I wet my lips nervously. “Listen, guys, I need to be honest with you. I don't exactly have a ton of experience, but if you want me to… um…” I’m a grown woman and they literally just had their hands and mouths all over me. Pull it together, Harper. “…help you out. I'll do my best.”

“I thought you'd never fucking ask,” says Thunder, tearing open his fly and sliding his jeans down his hips. A moment later, the monster I got a handful of this morning is free and standing proud, thick, hard and glistening at the tip. Holy crap. On the other side, Lightning does the same.