“Yeah. Too fucking much.” Thunder grimaces at the memory. “We took off as soon as we could.”

“Ran away?” I look back and forth between them. They don't seem like the type who would run away from anything.

Thunder laughs without a lot of humor. “That makes it sound like we were angsty kids. We just got to the point where we knew we had each other, and we could make our own way. Take the load off our parents. We didn’t know shit, of course. It was a rough learning curve, but we never went back.”

“Wow. How old were you?”

“Thirteen,” Lightning says. “We were always big, though. Everyone thought we were older, and it made it easier to get work and defend ourselves. We worked and fought and fucked our way around town until we were grown. We got into motorcycles along the way. Kept us from getting into too much trouble.”

“Not everyone would agree,” Thunder adds with a chuckle.

“Anyway, one of the guys we did work for was a member of the Eagles. Sponsored us as prospects, and in spite of being know-it-all little shits when we started, Eagle-eye must’ve seen something there he could work with. We've calmed down a little. Right?” He glances over at Thunder with an amused smirk.

“One of us has, at any rate,” he says with a snort.

Thirteen? I can’t even imagine what it would have been like to be on my own that young. The way they talk about it now makes it sound like no big deal. Like an adventure, but I bet they’re leaving out a lot. “Wow. That's… I could never have done that.”

“You didn’t have to. I don’t know your Mom, but you wouldn’t have done all this for her if she wasn’t pretty fucking great.”

“Haven’t even seen our parents in years,” says Lightning. “Last time I saw our father, he walked right by me on the street. I don’t think he even fucking recognized me. Looked about eighty even though he’s not even sixty.”

His words hit me hard. I never knew my father, but I grew up with so much love. It makes me want to go back in time and hug both of them so hard. “That’s horrible!”

Lightning looks a little taken aback. “It’s not a big deal.”

“It is! Oh God, I’m c—crying again,” I stammer out around a sob.

“Shut the fuck up and come here.” His voice isn't angry, but it’s not a question. It’s an order.

Would a hug be so bad? I think I could use one just now. So I swallow my protest and do as he says, pushing off the headboard and basically crawling into his lap.

“That's more like it.” Lightning envelops me in his powerful arms and pulls me tightly against him. He's so big and warm, it's like I'm in a cocoon. I tense at first, but then I relax against him, resting my head on his broad chest. His heart thumps steadily through his shirt, a calming rhythm in my ear.

“You still crying, baby?”

I shake my head, rubbing against him like I'm trying to get his scent. “N—no.”

His strong fingers slide into my hair, combing slowly through it until the ends of it slips from between them. Then he does it again, and it feels nice.

Strong fingers start to massage my legs, and it takes longer than I want to admit to realize that it can't possibly be Lightning, since he's still holding me and running his fingers through my hair. Okay, so having more than one guy around might have some benefits, I can't deny that. The way they were talking before, it sounded like they were no strangers to sharing, as wild as that sounds. I don’t even know what sex with one guy is like, what would I even do with two?

“That feels nice.” I sigh against Lightning's chest, while I wiggle my toes, stretching the tense muscles that Thunder is massaging loose.

“All part of the honeymoon service.” Thunder chuckles softly. “You looked so fucking beautiful in that dress. If I’d been the one waiting for you to walk down the aisle, I would’ve torn apart the fucking city before I let anyone take you away.”

I shake my head a little. “It wasn’t me in that dress.”

“It woulda been if you wanted the man you dressed up in it for.”

Thunder slides his hands further up my legs until he's rubbing my thighs. I should be stopping this, right? But I don't. I have no idea how far I'll let them go, but we’re not there yet.

I've been alone for so long.

“Just relax, Harper,” murmurs Lightning and presses his lips against the top of my head. It's a soft kiss, testing my reaction, but to me it's like a… well, a lightning bolt that fires up every single nerve ending that I have. I let out a little contented hum, and he takes it as permission to do it again.