“Give her a break, Lightning—”

Shadow holds up a hand. “No, let her answer. If the cops come busting through the door, she’s not the one whose pretty ass is on the line. I want to know exactly what pile of shit I’ve stuck my boot in.”

“Like I would marry you, anyway” she snaps, blue eyes sparking with the first real sign of spirit since she begged to come with us. Nice. Hot. “I didn’t want any of this. Not that any of you care, but marrying Devin wasn’t my idea. I barely know him.”

“Then why the hell were you?” I ask. “Don’t listen to these assholes. Nobody’s going to make you do shit, but we’re not running a fucking charity here. From where I’m sitting you look like a grown ass woman who can make her own fucking decisions. Last I checked, it’s still a free country.”

Her face falls. “I know, but… it’s complicated.”

“Girl, if you were trying to make it less complicated, this wasn’t the way to do it,” Outlaw says, shaking his head.

She stares down at her pink, manicured fingers, fidgeting with her dress and looking so lost it makes me want to fix whatever the fuck is going on in her life that made us seem like a good option. “I know. What am I doing? I should go back. I just needed to get away from there so I could breathe again. I didn’t mean to cause trouble. I didn’t know what else to do. I swear I’m not usually this useless. I keep waiting for my alarm to go off so I can wake up.”

Lightning has the decency to look a little guilty. “So what’s your deal? Is someone forcing you to marry that guy? Mesner?”

She licks her lips, and trust me, we’re all fucking watching. “Yes… No… Not exactly, but I owe him a lot. It all made sense when he explained it, but there hasn’t been time to think, you know?”

“Fucking rich girl problems.” Outlaw sits down at the desk in the corner, and pulls out his gun to check it over. He might not have used it today, but he takes his gear seriously. He gestures at her. “Look at you. If you don’t wanna fucking marry someone, then don’t. It’s not like you don’t got options.”

Harper blinks at him like she can’t quite tell if that was an insult or a compliment. Knowing Outlaw, it was both. He’s a touchy jackass, but not a bad guy at heart.

Shadow nods. “Your luggage is right there. Change clothes, get on a fucking plane and don’t look back.”

Her whole body slumps until her chin is resting on her knees. “I wish it was that easy. Even without Devin or my father, there are other people I can’t walk away from.”

“Look. As far as anyone knows, we’re still holding you hostage right now,” I say. “I’m not going to pretend to know your life. I don’t understand why you’d agree to marry someone you don’t seem to give a shit about, or why you got cold feet, but we’re not going anywhere tonight. It’s not much, but you said you need time to think. Stay here and figure your shit out.”


Shadow runs a hand over his short, cropped hair and sighs. “In for a penny, in for a pound, right? Go change into something that makes this look a little less like the start to a porno and give us a minute to talk.”

Harper’s face flushes bright red and her jaw drops before she scrambles off the bed and rummages through the honeymoon luggage she hauled outta the limo, grabbing a bunch of shit and escaping to the bathroom. Damn she’s cute when she blushes.

“This is a bad fucking idea,” Outlaw says in a low, serious tone once she’s out of the way. “She’s Mesner’s daughter. We’re here to hit him in the wallet and go home, not start a fucking blood feud.”

“No shit, Sherlock, but what is it we shoulda done exactly? Dumped her out of the fucking limo?” I drop my ass onto the bed she was sitting on. “She fucking begged us to take her. I thought she’d be gone the second she got the chance.”

“Same,” Shadow says with a nod. “We keep our heads down tonight, get our bikes back before the city wakes up and get the fuck out of this town. I don’t care how good her tits look in that dress. Harper isn’t our fucking problem. Agreed?”

The shower turns on in the bathroom, and it’s impossible not to imagine her in there. Naked with wet, silky rivers of water running down those tits we aren’t supposed to think about, dripping off her ass and sliding between her legs.

“What about out of the dress? Lightning asks with a shit eating grin.