Eventually, I was moved up to a room for observation, and Lottie came back a lot more sober than before, but looking dead on her feet.

As soon as the Texan found her a blanket to curl up with in the chair by the window, she was out cold.

Not long after that, I was too.



The cops were assholes, as predicted.

Most of the questions had to do with what enemies the club had, who would want to hurt me or us.

The thing was, I couldn’t say for sure if it was personal or happenstance.

The whole setup was like a carjacking.

But then why chase us down when we clearly didn’t have what they wanted?

None of it made sense.

I’d lucked out in not killing anyone. There were no bullet-riddled bodies for the cops to find and haul me in on charges for.

It didn’t matter that it would have been in self-defense. Our state had a ‘duty to retreat’ law when under threat. Which meant you could not stand your ground and kill someone for trying to hurt you. And especially not to shoot someone since gun laws were strict as fuck.

So the fact that the crew who’d attacked us had retreated to their cars and gotten out of there had worked in my favor. Even if it left even more questions that couldn’t be answered.

DNA was taken from my hands and nails. I imagined the same went for Lexy. And the cops would surely check traffic cameras. But other than that, we were in the dark about everything.

“This needs stitches,” Fallon declared, eyeing a nasty cut on my arm.

I didn’t even remember getting it.

I hadn’t even been aware of someone having a knife.

“Eh, it’ll be fine,” Callow said, eyeing it. “Couple of butterfly sutures and it’ll be good as new,” he insisted.

I imagined that with his long history in the service, he’d seen a lot worse.

“For the pain,” Sully said, holding out a handle of vodka toward me.

I took it, even though I didn’t have any intentions of drinking it.

Fallon poked his fingers into the most swollen part of my cheek, brows pinched. “Your teeth alright?” he asked.

I moved my tongue around, poking at them.

“Seem to be,” I said.

“Hope this is just soft tissue,” he said, poking some more.

“You trying to make it worse?” I grumbled.

“Maybe,” he said, the smirk he shot me at odds with the serious look in his eyes.

Sure, we were brothers. And, yeah, he got kicks out of fucking with me a lot of the time. But he didn’t like seeing me beat to shit.

“It’s not bad,” Dezi said, reaching to yank up my shirt to check out my ribs. “Considering how outnumbered you were. I’m impressed,” he said. “You might be my new hero,” he declared, before breaking off into a horrifically off-key rendition of the song “Hero.”

He cut off suddenly when the door flew open.

And there was my old man.

His eyes were panicked for a second before his gaze landed on me.

Then I got to watch as he went from dad to the former club president.

His jaw tightened.

His eyes darkened.

“I’m fine,” I insisted even as he crossed the room toward me.

“Yeah, you look fine,” he said with an eye roll, coming over to do the same once-over that my brother and Dezi had done.

“Did anyone get an update on Lexy?” I asked.

By the time I got back to the club, Sutton had already taken Lottie to the hospital to see her sister.

“She’s staying for the night,” Brooks told me. “Has a concussion they are just keeping an eye on. Other than that, just a lot of bruising. They took her clothes for DNA. There was a lot of blood on them.”

Likely her own.

She’d been mauled.

I wanted to give that fucker who did it a taste of his own medicine.

“I don’t understand what the fuck happened,” I said.

“Yeah,” Fallon agreed. “We are looking into it. Don’t know of any crews operating down that street, but you never know. Could be new. And it’s an odd place for carjacking since not many people live down that way.”

“But it doesn’t make sense if it was targeted, since no one knew you were heading that way. You’ve never driven her home before, right?” Brooks asked.

“No. I’ve never seen her before. Has her sister been here before?” I asked, directing the question at Sully, since he was always the party planner.

“No. She’s new as far as I can tell. Though…” he said, brows drawing down.

“What?” my old man barked, having less patience than Fallon in this situation.

“The sister’s friends… they’ve been here before.”

“Which ones?” Fallon asked.

“Ah… Mercy? Mary?” Sully asked.

“Mandy,” Nave corrected with a head shake.

“Right. Mandy. And the other one… brunette. Small chest, big ass. Little birthmark right on…” he said, pointing toward his hipbone.

“Kerri,” Callow filled in.

“Right,” Sully said, snapping. “Mandy and Kerri have been around before.”