There were a handful of guards patrolling the grounds and even more hidden in amongst the property. My father and uncle started speaking in Italian, discussing plans for opening up a new business next month. A meeting was planned with the brokerage later today to complete things.

“I’ll be in attendance,” I cut in, wanting to change the subject. I’d been juiced up thinking about my upcoming nuptials, but now I was in a bad fucking mood.

“You won’t.”

I turned and faced my father, a scowl on my face.

“You won’t be there because neither will I. Tonight, we have something to take care of.”

I cocked an eyebrow, waiting for him to tell me more.

“We have a fucking rat,” my uncle said.

My pre-engagement irritation took the back burner, and the bloodlust rose in me. We dealt with rats one way and one way only. And it was my favorite. I wasn’t nicknamed The Butcher for nothing.

“Maybe I’ll drag the lesson out for days,” I said idly as I thought about all the torturing I could do if given ample time.

“If you want to finish the rat, we’re doing it tonight.”

I exhaled. “When is the engagement dinner?”

My father shook his head.

I cocked an eyebrow. “No dinner?”

He leaned back in his chair, the leather creaking from his weight and the movement. “There won’t be any dinner because the wedding is planned for next weekend.”

I clamped my jaw shut. Even my uncle had a shocked look on his face.

“Why the fuck are things moving so fast?” Typically, there was a year taken to plan and prep. Sometimes a little longer if there wasn’t a rush. Clearly, that wasn’t the case here.

But hell, there were rules… a procedure to follow for these things. We’d have a family dinner for the meet-and-greets. Then we’d announce the engagement and have an extravagant party to celebrate. Our closest friends and family would be in attendance.

Then, the rest of the time until the wedding would be dedicated to planning the event itself—which I’d take no part in because I didn’t give a fuck about that.

“How do you want to handle the traitor, Capo?” My uncle changed the subject. No doubt, he saw how tense I was becoming.

But this might be better. A fast wedding meant heirs sooner. And that was all I fucking cared about. There was no place for love or feelings in my life.

My father scratched his jaw, his blunt nails scrapping over his scruff. “Bring him here tomorrow evening.” There was a hard, tense silence that filled the room. “The motherfucker needs to be questioned.”

I felt my testosterone and adrenaline rise at the prospect of torture. Being in my position meant I didn't have to get my hands dirty with interrogation, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that extracting information from a traitor, someone who betrayed the Family for their own gain, was something I got off on.

My uncle leaned forward, a slow grin spreading across his face. “Antonio knows what to do.”

I inclined my head and felt my grin grow. “Gonna make a pig squeal tonight.”



My irritation was still strong within me over the arranged marriage, and I’d use that frustration tonight. I’d purge it from my system.

We’d gotten to one nightclub we owned ten minutes ago and made our way down to the basement. Once in the bowels of the club, I stepped through the open doorway the Family used for less savory endeavors that needed handling.

I saw several of my men already in the room, some with splatters of blood on their shirts, others wearing sadistic grins. I stopped when I was a few feet into the space. The door shut behind me, sealing me in with my men and the rat.

I zeroed in on Lorenzo. He was on a chair, his arms tied behind his back, his ankles secured to the legs of the chair with rope.

His face was fucked up with a busted lip, blood dripping down his chin, and his eyes nearly swollen shut. They were black and blue, and his nose was crooked after being broken.

I could have bitched at the fact they started without me, but I focused on Lorenzo and thought about all the things I’d do to him.

My uncle was already in attendance and stood behind Lorenzo, a grin on his face. Francisco had two sides. One where he was the life of the party and another where he cut off fingers and shoved them down the throats of his enemies.

I walked up to Lorenzo and stood in front of him. He made a gruff sound and tipped his head back. With how fucked up his eyes were, I wasn’t sure the fucker could see me either way.

“Lorenzo.” I said his name slowly as I undid the cuff of my sleeve, focusing on rolling up the crisp, expensive material. “My father filled me in on your extracurricular activities.”