Page 19 of Viper's Vendetta

I can only nod in agreement.

A familiar fission passes over my skin, and I turn to find Rafe coming toward me. I felt the same the night we met. The feeling grows stronger every day. He wraps his arms around me and buries his face in my hair. “I’ve missed you,” he mutters as Max rolls his eyes and turns to walk away. “I’m leaving to meet withCPS at Desdemona’s in an hour,” he says to Max’s back. Max raises his hand to let him know he’s heard him.

Pulling back far enough to see his face. “I missed you, too. I’m sorry that I took off like that yesterday without talking to you first. Just needed to get out of here.”

He runs his fingers through my hair. “I understand how overwhelmed you must have been. I’m not angry, but I need some time with you. Soon.”


Leaning his forehead against mine, he sighs and gives a quick nod. “Tonight. After the meeting with CPS, I need to track down that witness who claims to have seen you. Hopefully, I’ll hear from Barry. I’m afraid my boss will push for your arrest if I can’t clear you.”

Just then, his phone buzzes. When he answers it, his eyes lock on mine. “Mr. Jones. Can’t tell you how grateful I am that you called. I need to ask you if you can vouch for the whereabouts of Viper last night. She says she spent the night in your guest room?” As he listens to Barry’s reply, he reaches out to take my hand, giving it a squeeze. “You’re certain of the time? Any chance that she could have left your cabin after nine? No? Great. Thank you. I may need to come see you and get a signed statement. You’d be willing to come to the station? That would be helpful. Tomorrow morning? Perfect. Thanks.”

Rafe hangs up and beams at me. “You have your alibi, baby. I’ll figure out who killed your dad, and I’ll find out who is trying to frame you.”

I kiss him goodbye. The relief that I have an alibi lightens the tension for both of us.

Chill and Dice sidle up to me as the door closes behind Rafe and Max.

“Talked to Max. He told us you made up and that Rafe’s found Angel’s mother,” Dice says. “He seems to think it’s a good thing. What do you think?”

I tell them about what Spark found regarding Angela’s attempt to find her daughter. “I’m hoping Max can convince Angela to let us have a relationship with Angelica. Although I can understand why she might not want Wayne’s children around her daughter.”

“Maybe we should prove we’re on her side,” Chill suggests. “Like visit the investigator and get her money back for services not rendered?”

I grin at the idea. “I like that idea. We can get Spark to give us an account of how much she paid the asshole.”

“Well, before we do that. I have a surprise for you,” Chill says, turning and heading for the back door. She leads us across the grounds and into the passage that leads to the property next door and into The Pit. The Pit is where we take those who need our special attention. I follow her down the steps and into the main room. Hanging from hooks are three faces I recognize. Each stripped down to their boxer shorts. Their arms held up by chains so their feet can’t touch the ground. However, she didn’t stop there. Chains hang from their ankles and attach to the floor. The chains are heavy. The fuckers must feel like they’re being stretched on a rack. Leave it to Chill to find another way to enhance the torture while ensuring our guests can’t escape.

“Well, look what we have here.”


When Max hops into my car, I raise an eyebrow in question.

“Just wanted to talk to you about Viper. Figure this will give us some time,” he explains.

“You two made up, then?”

He nods. “Yeah. I should have told her who I was when I first arrived, but I didn’t want her going after him.”

“She might have. I’m grateful you didn’t tell her, even after what happened yesterday.”

I drive through the gates and turn towards Summerlin, home of the wealthier citizens of Las Vegas. Desdemona and Diego are extremely wealthy. As a renowned artist, I know Desdemona makes more than a decent living with her art. However, I don’t know how Diego makes his money. I could hazard a guess, but I find myself reluctant to dig. I grimace when I realize how often I’ve stifled my curiosity since hooking up with Viper. How long before a lack of curiosity turns into turning a blind eye?

“Are you and Viper okay?” Max asks me.

“We’re good.”

“Are you in it for the long haul or just filling time?”

I open my mouth to respond but then close it as I consider Viper. She’s the most extraordinary woman I’ve ever met, and Iknow I could easily fall in love with her. We’ve yet to take that last step. Both of us are hesitant since our commitment to each other requires one of us to compromise everything.

“I care about your sister. She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met,” I start as I consider my words.

“But you’re afraid if you make a commitment to her, you’ll either have to give up being a cop or become a dirty one?”

“Well, yeah,” I admit. “I know the club makes its money legally. Or as legal as every other casino in this town. But I’m not an idiot. I know the club and I aren’t on the same side of the law.”