Page 2 of Viper's Vendetta

“Because I killed my father when I was fifteen,” I confess.

“You share the same father,” Spark assures me. “If he’s dead, that’s good. Like Avery said, it will make it easy for you to petition for guardianship.”

“But, if you killed your father when you were fifteen, who sold Angel to Dr. Blakely?” Dice asks.

“We may never know, but we’ll keep searching,” Juliet says. “We need to protect that little girl. With the DNA results, we need to reach out to a lawyer. See about getting the courts to name you her guardian.”

I take a deep breath to control my thoughts and nod. “You’re right. That’s what we need to do. First thing tomorrow—” I cut off when Max charges into the room.

“CPS is here. Rafe went out to intercept them,” Max tells us. “I think they’re going to take her. What do we do?” He glances at me before turning his attention to Puma.

Puma explains the game plan as we return to the common room, but I’m too wrapped up in my own thoughts to hear it. But I know the basics. Protect Angel at all costs. I see Avery move to Alisa, who is holding Angel. I follow her over and hear Avery giving Alisa a quick summary of Angel’s lineage. She shoots me a quick look before assuring Avery that she’ll reach out Desdemona and Angela about my gaining custody of the girl. That’s a brilliant plan, but I need to make sure CPS doesn’t take her from this building.

I follow Alisa down the hall with Max on my heels, stopping outside the entertainment room. When I hold my arms out to Angel, my little sister, she immediately comes to me. “I’m putting her in the panic room,” I explain. “If they have a warrant, this will keep her out of sight. Give you time to get help.”

“I’m scared,” Angel cries, burying her face in my hair.

I hold her close and whisper, “I know, baby, but we won’t let anyone hurt you. Remember? We promised, and the Demon Dawgs always keep their promises.”

I open the door to the panic room and step inside. Placing her on a bed, I back away, only to have her rush forward and grab hold of my legs.

“Don’t leave me alone,” she begs.

“How about we all hide out in here?” comes Hunter’s voice from behind me. I turn to see him stepping through the door with Slade, Elina, and Mal. “We’ll make a game of it. What do you say, Angel?”

She gives him a smile as she releases her hold on me. I mouth a ‘thank you’ to Hunter before stepping back outside and closing the door. The door disappears from view as the entertainment center shifts to cover it.

Just before we reach the front door, Alisa flags down Max. I step outside. My attention immediately goes to Rafe, who is standing in front of Puma with his mouth open. However, the sound of a car door opening draws my attention to the vehicle parked out front.

I feel my heart drop into my stomach when I realize who I’m looking at. My father. The first man I ever killed. Well, the first man I thought I’d killed.

“Well, it looks like you have both my daughters,” he says, sneering at me. I can see the evil shining in his eyes, eyes the same shade as Angel’s.

“No. You can’t be here. You’re dead. I—” Dice’s hand on my arm stops me from completing that sentence. I glance at Rafe and see him studying me. Fuck.

“Dead, am I? Now why would you think that? Maybe because you tried to kill me? Maybe I should press charges against you for attempted murder. What do you say about that, cop?” he taunts me.

I see Rafe reach for me, but I don’t move. I can’t move. My feet are sinking into the boards of the porch. At least, that’s what I wish would happen. I just want to disappear. But before I can move, the door behind me opens.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Max demands as he moves next to me.

“Well, fuck me, looks like you’ve got all my kids here. It’s a goddamn family reunion.”


I’m surrounded by chaos. At the center is Viper. The woman I shouldn’t be falling in love with but can’t seem to resist. She’s the strongest woman I’ve ever met, but she’s taking a beating. The blows are coming from every side. Wanting to offer her comfort, I take a step forward. However, the cop in me stops my momentum. I can’t ignore the accusation her father just made. Especially when I see the fear and guilt on Viper’s face. There is truth in his allegations. She glances at me before Puma wraps one of his beefy arms around her.

Although I want to be the one who comforts her, I have to take control of the situation. The CPS agent is watching me with narrowed eyes. Bitch. But she isn’t the only one. Viper’s father gleefully watches the surrounding chaos.

“Are you accusing Viper of attempted murder?” I ask him.

He frowns at me. “Who the fuck is Viper?”

“I’m Viper.” I glance with pride at my woman, who stands tall. At least her affiliation with the club steadies her.

“You’re a biker’s whore?” he snarls. “Figured you’d end up as trash.”

“She’s not a whore!” Max shouts, reaching for Viper, who shrugs him off. “She’s a member of the Demon Dawgs and their Enforcer.” The pride in his voice has his father scowling.