“I know he has problems, Rafael, but he’s still my father. I can’t just abandon him. “You told me you’d keep me safe from the danger my father might bring to my life, but I didn’t think you’d—wait.”

She glares at me. “You’re the biggest danger of all, aren’t you?”

Her words, so full of pain and loyalty, strike a chord in me. I reach for her hand, needing to bridge the gap my words have opened between us.

“I’m not asking you to abandon him, Amelia. I’m just... I’m worried about you. About what his actions could mean for our future together. I promise I’ll handle this delicately. But my priority is to protect you, to make sure nothing and no one can hurt you.”

Amelia looks at me, her gaze searching mine as if trying to find an anchor in the storm. “How? Drop the cryptic bullshit, Rafael, and say what you mean!”

The question hangs between us, loaded with implications of actions taken and decisions made in the shadows.

“I have resources, ways of ensuring he’s kept away from anything that could lead him back to gambling or worse. I’ll make sure he gets the help he needs, but I’ll also make sure he understands the consequences of threatening our peace.”

Her eyes soften, understanding and appreciation mingling with the uncertainty. “Promise me you won’t hurt him.”

Hearing those words and feeling the weight of her trust and reliance on me, I’m both uplifted and burdened.

I pull her close, a vow forming in my heart—a vow to protect, to cherish, to navigate the treacherous waters of our future together.

“I promise.”

* * *

Arriving at the casino, I bypass the main floor, heading straight for the private room where I know her father has been held since last night, trapped in the addict’s world.

The tension is palpable as I approach, the air charged with anticipation and dread. I find him in a secluded corner, his desperation a palpable force in the dimly lit room.

Two men guard him, saying nothing as I approach.

“Don Bianchi,” he says with a weak grin. “Tell these men you’re married to my daughter. Make them see sense.”

I take a moment to steady myself, the weight of my next words bearing down on me. “We need to talk about your gambling and the danger it’s putting Amelia in,” I say, my tone firm yet controlled. “It ends today.”

He scoffs, a bitter laugh escaping him. “And what? You’re going to stop me? You’re a billionaire. You’re fucking my girl. You should be paying me for the privilege. What’s a couple of thousand to a man like you?”

“How much is he down?” I ask.

The man by his right shoulder speaks in a deep growl. “Two mil.”

“Come on,” Adrian says, a note of bitterness in his voice. “Help me out.”

I nod, the agreement hanging between us, a fragile truce forged for the sake of the woman we both claim to love.

“I’ll pay, but this is the last time. If I see you in here again, I’ll kill you myself.”

I hand him a business card. “Call this number. They can help with your addiction. For Amelia’s sake.”



My phone’s insistent buzzing finally rouses me from a restless slumber.

With a sense of dread pooling in my stomach, I reach for it, the screen lighting up to reveal a barrage of notifications—missed calls and messages from my mother and Mia, my sister.

The world feels off-kilter, as if I’m on the precipice of something life-altering. What did Rafael do last night?

I dial my mom, my voice trembling with apprehension. “Hey, Mom. What’s happening? Why are you calling so early?”