The earnestness in his eyes and the warmth of his voice all speak to a truth I hadn’t dared to consider until now—that maybe, just maybe, this could be the beginning of something real, something lasting.

The priest, an older man with a steady gaze, steps forward and starts speaking at once. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Rafael Bianchi and Amelia North.

This ceremony symbolizes the joining of two lives, bound by promises and mutual respect.

“Do you, Rafael Bianchi, take Amelia North to be your lawfully wedded wife, to protect and honor, in all life’s challenges and opportunities?” the priest asks, his voice echoing slightly in the vastness of the church.

Rafael’s voice is firm, his vow resounding through the silent church. “I do.”

The conviction in his words sends a shiver down my spine, a mix of fear and fascination at the depth of his commitment.

“And do you, Amelia, take Rafael to be your lawfully wedded husband, to stand beside him and share in the life he offers you?” The priest’s gaze turns to me, gentle yet probing.

My voice is quiet yet steady. “I do.”

The priest nods, a soft smile on his lips as if recognizing the weight of what we’ve just committed to. “Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Rafael turns to me, and it’s as if the entire world narrows down to the space between us, bathed in the soft glow of the church’s dim light.

The air feels charged, heavy with anticipation, and my heart races in my chest, pounding against my ribcage like a caged bird desperate for release.

His hand, so warm and reassuring, cradles my face with a tenderness that leaves me breathless, a stark contrast to the formidable presence I’ve come to associate with him.

As his lips meet mine, a cascade of sensations overwhelms me. I’m caught completely off guard by the softness of the kiss.

It’s nothing like I imagined—no, it’s more, it’s better. It’s a gentle exploration, a tender question to which my soul whispers yes.

There’s only the feel of his lips on mine, soft yet insistent, coaxing responses from me I didn’t know I was capable of.

The taste of him is intoxicating, a trace of mint mingled with something uniquely Rafael, something I know I could get lost in forever if given half the chance.

His thumb gently strokes my cheek as we kiss, a touch so light and caring it sparks tears to my eyes. How could I have known that this kiss, this single moment, would feel like the culmination of every secret daydream I’ve harbored for the past year?

Each gentle press of his lips against mine erases the doubts, the fears, the questions about our future. At this moment, I don’t care about the circumstances that brought us here or what anyone else might think.

All that matters is Rafael and the overwhelming flood of emotions he evokes within me.

As we slowly part, a sense of awe washes over me. My lips tingle, a lingering reminder of our connection, and I find myself gazing up into his eyes, searching for a sign, any indication that this kiss meant as much to him as it did to me.

The look in his eyes, a complex tapestry of desire, tenderness, and perhaps a hint of surprise at the depth of our connection, tells me everything I need to know.

Someone waves to Rafael from my left. “Excuse me,” he says, his voice back to the cold hardness I’m used to from work. “There’s a car out front. Go to it, and I’ll be there in a minute.”

I walk down the aisle, feeling the eyes of everyone on me. The door is opened, and I step out into the cold night air. The car is ready at the bottom of the steps.

I climb in, my hands trembling. Rafael joins me a moment later.

“Amelia, there’s something you need to see,” he says, handing me his phone. The live surveillance footage displays my father at a casino roulette table, gambling with a carelessness that cuts deep. He’s laughing with a woman at either side of him, rubbing his shoulders.

He takes a deep breath, shifting slightly as if what he’s about to say requires a different kind of courage.

“I want you to know, Amelia, that I’m looking to change things in my life. In the past, I would have killed a man for breaking a promise. I will let him live if you request it.”

Feeling a shift within me, I nod slowly, the decision crystallizing in my heart. “Of course I want him to live.”

Rafael’s reaction is immediate. “So be it. You don’t have to work at the dealership anymore, of course. I believe you plan on becoming a full time graphic designer.”

“How did you know that?”