“Oh,” Mollie replies unsure of where to look. “And where’s he looking… when he tries to figure this out?”
Jess purses her lips. “That is the million-dollar question, Mollie.”
My head swings to check Lauren isn’t paying us attention. “You don’t know anything at this point. All you have is your gut feeling to go on, that’s it.”
“And didn’t Mum and Dad raise us to always trust our gut? He’s going to leave me. I know it.”
The word dad niggles in the back of my brain. “Yeah, they did,” I reply. “But you need to talk to him. At least give him the opportunity to explain.” Max may be struggling with what he wants from his life, but he would never hurt Jess or Axl.
“Since when did you become team Max?” Jess snaps.
“Since my sister gave me some pretty similar advice when I was in the exact same situation last year.”
Her round eyes watch mine, then she smiles, slowly. “What about you then, Mollie? Any man dramas you care to share?”
I wish I could control the speed at which I look at Mollie. I’m not sure why I feel so nervous by Jess’ question. In the relatively short time I’ve known her, I’ve come to learn that talking to Mollie about Travis is a sore subject. Curiosity had me asking more than once, but the woman is made of steel. Never divulges more than a few knowing looks.
“It’s complicated,” she replies.
“It’s okay, you don’t have to tell us anything. Ignore Jess.”
Mollie’s bottom lip rolls under the other. With a look downto her hands on her lap, she whispers, “My husband died.” I think back to when Mollie first came to the house. Travis was angry, throwing comments about her living with her partner.
All eyes including Lauren’s look up. The atmosphere shifts as we all realise Mollie’s struggle. “I’m so sorry,” I comfort her. “I had no idea.”
“No one did.” Her head remains lowered, her fingers twiddling together in front of her. She goes to open her mouth but says nothing more.
“Lauren, up to your room,” I tell her. It’s clear Mollie needs to talk to other adults.
“Now, please.” Lauren huffs but does as she’s bid. “I’ll be up in a bit.”
“I’m not eight.”
Ignoring Lauren’s smart tone, I look back at Mollie. There’s an air of remorse surrounding her; her mouth is twisted, her nose crinkled. But she doesn’t look… sad. “When did he die?” I ask.
“Before Christmas.”
My heart drops, my body frozen. “Mollie, I’m so sorry.”
“Me too,” she says, and she smiles as though remembering him. “He had such a kind soul.” She stares into space. “Saddest part? I couldn’t love him the way he loved me.”
Looking at Jess, she turns her body to Mollie, listening to our new friend opening up to us. “You didn’t love him?” she questions.
Mollie tightens her lips. “I loved him. He just… he didn’t have my heart.”
I sigh. Someone else did. “Did you tell him?”
“He knew. I hated myself every day. Waking up and seeing him do everything for us without hesitation. I wanted to love him. I tried.”
Jess and I exchange a look. “Us?” I ask her gently.
Mollie doesn’t maintain eye contact with me as she sweeps her hair to one side, busying herself. Hesitation halts her before she takes a deep breath. “Mads, thank you for having me over. I’m sorry, I need to go.” Her lip wobbles but she holds back her emotion. Steel. “Nice to see you again, Jess,” she says.
Jess nods her head, not chasing her like I will. “Mollie wait, you don’t need to leave.” I stand when she stands, albeit slower to reach my full height than her.
“I do. I have a trial to get ready for. There’s lots I need to be doing.” She checks the clock then looks away. “I appreciate it—letting me drop in. I… I needed it.”