He squeals loud like the fucking pig that he is. Amongst the food spread over the floor, his fingers then reach for the red alarm on the wall.
“It’s too late for that,” I tell him, entering the dark place where it doesn’t matter how or why I’m doing what I’m doing. I’m just doing it. Possessed.
Dragging him back, I flip him over then straddle him, plunging my fists one by one into his face. I pound his flesh, thumping his skin until his blood is dropping from my knuckles.
The cell door swings open, and three more officers run into the room. They drag me off the man, pulling and pushing me until they have me where they want me. They kick and they hit, one of them grabbing his baton and striking my body repeatedly.
That’s it boys, do your worst.
Chapter Seventeen
Monday morning, I arrive at the clubhouse a little after 7.30am. It’s early, but we have an hour before we need to leave. I knew I couldn’t stay at the house. Without Dean there, it doesn’t feel right. I woke up at the crack of dawn, my head pounding. I text Travis asking him to meet me here before we leave.
Walking in, I’m surprised someone’s already here to have opened up.
As if answering my question, Red walks past right on cue. Ah yes. Of course she wouldn’t miss this day.
I don’t give her any eye contact as I walk around the bar and grab the kettle. I decide to make some breakfast even though I’m not hungry. The thought of what today might hold turns my stomach, but more to busy myself, I carry on searching for food. Maybe Travis will want some. If I can find anything.
A door opens down the corridor. Fully expecting it to be Red again, I walk to the fridge grabbing the milk, not really paying much attention to who it is. When I do look up, Lauren’s stood there.
Her blue eyes look lost. Her shoulders, drooped. The look on her face, exhausted. “Lauren?” I question, quickly snapping out of my mood and moving closer to her. “What the hell are youdoing here?” I look around as if the answers will appear.
“Uh, the lady let me in. I swung by the house but… I need to talk to Dean. Is he here?” Her voice sounds tired.
“Come and sit down,” I tell her.
We move to a table and I pull out a chair for her. She takes off her tatty coat and rucksack and sits, yawning as she does.
“You look exhausted,” I say gently.
Lauren twiddles her fingers, playing with a large ring on her index finger.
“What’s going on?”
She semi huffs, her body language instantly shifting to defensive mode. “Can I have some food and a drink before you start questioning me?”
Raising my eyebrows at her, I let out a breath. “Only if you agree to tell me everything and not leave this time?”
She slowly nods, defeated.
I give her a half smile, then stand and go to the kitchen. I make two cups of tea and search for some food, constantly checking she’s still sat at the table.
Red walks in, audibly huffing when she sees me in here. Ridiculous.
“Where’s the food that’s not going to give someone a heart attack?” I ask, thinking out loud as I open and close cupboards.
“It’s a clubhouse, not a five-star hotel,” Red says popping her hip, watching me.
“Right.” Bacon will have to do. I click on the grill and grab a tray, slapping enough pieces on for Lauren and Travis.
“You not lining that first?” she asks.
“Thought this was a clubhouse? What does it matter?”
She blows out her breath then moves to a drawer grabbing some foil. I notice she’s wearing less makeup today, her face looking naturally pretty. “Because I’ll be the one cleaning it up, that’s why.”