Page 65 of Come Back To Me

Mollie: I’m here

She mustn’t live that far away.

I put my phone in my pocket and as quietly as I can, I make my way to the front door. Apparently, I’m not that quiet.

Travis stands at the bottom of the stairs, staring at me as I come down. “What’re you up to?” he asks. He looks me up and down when I give him a blank look.

“Nothing, I just need a bit of fresh air before we go. Give me a minute?”

“I’ve given you plenty. Time’s time, let’s go.” He opens the front door, facing me. The way I feel my face turn similar to that of a beetroot, has him slowly turning on the spot.

“Travis, wait!”

Too late. His shoulders slump when he sees Mollie stood at the front door, her hand raised to knock. Without a word, he closes the door on her, then turns to face me. He holds up his thumb and forefinger an inch apart. “This close. I am this close tolosing my shit with you. We’re not even an hour into the time we have to spend together, and you’ve already pulled this shit.”

I brush past him, opening the door.

“Are you listening to me?” he shouts, but I manage to catch up with Mollie who’s walking away.

“Mollie!” I reach her, extending my arm to stop her. I spot Lynn in the window. Giving her my besteverything’s finesmile, I mentally remind myself I need to let her know about Dean. She’ll be worried.

“You didn’t sayhewould be here.”

Mollie’s words pull my attention back to her. “I’m sorry, I just…” I pause, looking over my shoulder, hoping Travis remains inside. “No one will tell me what’s really going on. The guys, they… they keep blocking me out, and I feel like… like…”

Turning, Mollie’s brown, all-knowing eyes meet mine. “Like you have no control,” she says discouragingly.

With a stark awareness of what she said, I suck in a big breath then wrap my arms around my body, nodding my head in agreement.

She lets out a small laugh at me, slightly shaking her head, her eyes glancing at my tummy. That’s the second time she’s done that since I’ve met her. “Can I give you some advice?”

I nod.

“You’re already too late to take control of what’s happening. Ride it out.”

That’s not what I thought she’d say. “Why would you say that?”

The side of her cheek sucks into her mouth. “Because I didn’t,” she says bitterly. Sad.

I take a step closer to her. “Travis?”

Mollie looks at the front door to Dean’s house, her eyes narrowing with annoyance at his name.

“What happened?”

With a huff, Mollie shakes her head, looking to the ground. “What did you want to ask me?”

With her change of conversation, I decide to leave whatever happened in their past there, and ask about my future. “When’s Dean coming home?”

She sniffs, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I updated the club half an hour ago.” That would have been the call Travis took. “He was moved to prison. His hearing’s on Monday.”

I hesitate. “What’s the charge?”

Mollie’s slow to answer, just the same. “Suspected murder.”

Slowly, my eyes close. Every muscle in my body tightens.

“Bail won’t be granted, Mads.”