Page 4 of Come Back To Me

The two men exchange a look which I don’t miss. Their silence gives me my answer. There’s no questioning my end of this deal.

Nodding my head, I bend and pick up the envelope from the table. “I’ll be in touch.” I turn away from the short one who holds out his hand to me.

No need for pleasantries.

I have work to do.

Chapter Two


Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock. I look up. Two minutes left until Doc calls me in her office.

Do I wish I wasn’t here? Yes. Do I think this is a waste of time? Yes. Did I make a promise to a certain someone that I would come? Yes.

I pull up a message to that someone.

Me: Should I get more chocolate spread on the way home?

I know she’s sat at home, no doubt holding up her phone and smiling at the screen.

Mads: Apparently we need to. You wasted good chocolate this morning!

I don’t call licking chocolate spread off every inch of Mads’ body a waste. Especially when I can still picture her coming all over my face and screaming my name whilst I ate her pussy this morning.

Fuck. One minute until I get called in and now my dick’s hard.

Me: Not a waste. Breakfast

Mads: VP… shouldn’t you be in the session by now?

Me: Doc’s a very punctual lady. I have thirty seconds until sheopens the door. And you can’t call me VP anymore, how many times do I have to remind you, beautiful?

Mads: So, I should just call you, P?

I smile looking down as my fingers move.

Me: You can call me Daddy

There’s a slight delay before her next message comes through. I’m still smiling because I know exactly what’s running through her mind. I’ll always be her VP, no matter what she calls me.

Mads: Eww, no

Me: You’ll be calling me Daddy soon enough

Mads: I hope you mean that in a non-sexual way?

I do, but still, it doesn’t hurt to have some fun.

Me: It’s Daddy now

Mads: Stop saying daddy. You have four months until anyone starts calling you that

I can’t help but smile again. Through dark times, Mads is the sunshine I need.

Me: I love you

Mads: I love you x