He can get fucked. “I’m walking out of here,” I tell him seriously. With a push, I stand off the bed, my legs like jelly. It’s been a long time since I used them properly. I’ll give them a minute.
“Please try to remember everything we spoke about,” the nurse says. “Use the chair when you can. Avoid driving initially, and no more smoking.” She turns to me, notes in hand.
I briefly look at Mads, seeing her raise a brow. Smoking, easy. Driving, sure. Using the chair, maybe. But… “Can I ride?”
The nurse looks at my leather cut on the bed. “Anything involving extreme effort, sports or physical contact needs to be avoided. At least until you see your doctor and they give you the all clear. Your lung is still healing, Mr Carter.”
I feel Travis’ gaze sinking into me. “Right.”
I look down at my feet as Mads steps closer. She rubs her hand up and down my arm. “Thank you,” she says to the nurse.
The nurse smiles, and Travis opens the door for her as she leaves. He then walks to the side of the bed, grabbing the wheelchair. He taps the seat with a grin. “Hop in.”
The prick. “Fuck off.”
Mads’ hold on my arm tightens. “Don’t be stubborn,” she soothes.
“I just want to get home.” I want my bed. No machines or hospital food. Mads pushed up against me.
“I know.” She moves to the end of the bed, putting the last of my things into my bag.
“Did you get it?” I mouth to Travis, looking at Mads as she folds a t-shirt.
He nods, handing me what he grabbed from my place.
The door then knocks before it opens. My eyes double take when I see the man stood before us.
Travis is watching me, but my eyes are on Mads.
“Hi,” Jack says.
Mads’ hands pause mid-fold, instantly recognising the voice coming from behind her. With her back towards my visitor, she looks up at me through her lashes, wide eyed and confused when I don’t speak.
Placing the t-shirt in my bag, she slowly turns, her gasp audible when she sees Jack for the first time since she thought he was dead. It’s a shock, and I know how I reacted the first time, too. I was angry. Guarded. Shit, I even punched him.
Using my hands on the bed—fully expecting Mads to kick off with one, if not all of us, I hold myself up then turn, my feet still not used to standing. “Mads,” I begin, but I really don’t know where to start. I don’t even know if she fully knows what happened yet.
Some parts are sketchy for me, but seeing Jack now, I can see him finishing it. He killed the man who had killed his mum. I remember he was a man possessed. “Jack,” I start, shuffling my feet. Fuck, it’s good to see him. We’ve spoken on the phone, but this is different.
“Sorry, I tried to come by sooner.”
I nod my head back, and he steps into the room. Mads is still unmoving. Jack looks to her. His eyes narrow, like he doesn’t know what to say.
“How is this possible?” Mads asks no one in particular.
I manage to make my way to her, but she double takes, seeing my struggle. She sympathises with my pathetic inability to stand properly. “You should be sat down.” She’s right. I feel dizzy. Even after the physio I've had, this will take some getting used to.
Travis moves to help me. Jack too. They loop my arms over their shoulders. “Get him in the chair,” Travis says with a smile.
They sit me down and I can’t deny it’s a relief.
Jack turns slowly, his hands going into his back pockets. “Mads, I—”
He gets cut off as she walks to him, wrapping her arms around his broad back.
He doesn’t move at first, but I see his body relax. Eventually he hugs her back, resting his chin on her head.