Page 183 of Come Back To Me

Behind the bar, Red pours me a whiskey, sliding it closer. She nods as I accept it, then looks up as the main door opens.

“I’ve got to go.” I hang up on Vincent, then stand. “Didn’t think you were getting here yet?”

“Yeah, well, change of plan.” Jack doesn’t once look at me as he talks, stepping closer.

I turn to Red, waiting for her to—

“Hi.” Her face shines.

After a beat I cough, making her look at me. She shakes herself out of her daydream, then flusters pouring another whiskey.

Jack steps beside me, and we both watch her hand shake as she pours. When she’s done, she hands it to him.

“Thanks, darlin’.” The atmosphere suddenly feels heavy. “Jack.” The twat holds out his hand for her to take. I stare, my eyes widening. What the fuck is happening?

“Red,” she says nervously, her cheeks blushing.

“Like the hair.” His eyes flicker to her head.

I’ve seen enough. “Need you to run out, make sure we’ve got enough beer and supplies in.” I open my wallet slapping some cash on the bar for Red.

She scoops it up, raises a small smile, then walks away.

“What the fuck was that?” I ask once me and Jack are alone.

Jack pauses, his glass close to his mouth. “What?” He shrugs.

“Biggest day for all of us and you come here, to do what? Hit on a woman?”

“I’m not hitting.”

I let out a breath. “Can we just get this over with? Then you can look to get your end away elsewhere.”

He frowns then swallows his drink in one. “You spoke to Travis yet?”

He must see the tension I feel at his question. “No. After today, I’ll tell him.”

“What about you? What will you do once it’s done?”

He semi laughs. “I’m not done until I get my man.”

Silence. “We will.”

He slowly looks up at me. “Iwill.”

Everything inside me sinks. Jack will spend the rest of his life searching for this one man if we don’t find him within the next twenty-four hours. Will he expect me to join him? Would I?CouldI? No. When I think about that notion, anger crawls up my back.

Don’t let your head win. Don’t let your head win. Not today.

Jack slaps my shoulder.

Making his way down the stairs, we spot Legs with a few others. He sees me, hesitates, then checks his step before he starts moving again. Fuck, he looks nervous. He pulls at the edges of his leather like a child who knows they’re in trouble. I bury my thoughts until he reaches me, and we standoff, staring, neither one of us sure where to start. He slowly slips his leather off his back, folding it and placing it on the bar. Final. Deathly silent. “Guess I’ll be off then.” He drops his head.

Everything in me wants to explode, lay into him for being so fucking stupid. Instead, I stand straight, grab his shirt and pull him closer. “Not once will you be on your own. We’ll be watchingevery fucking second.” I pat his back as he grabs me tighter.

“I’m not scared.”

“Never said you were.”