Page 181 of Come Back To Me

“I know her brother.” Legs casually sits on the stool nearest the bar, wiping his dirty hands on his jeans. “Jay called, asked for a place to crash for him and his sis. I let them stay at mine.”

Still frowning, I look at Lauren.

“Yeah,” she replies, angry with me.

“What about when Jay went missing? What happened then?”

The look Legs gives me brings him closer to getting throat punched. “What do you think? I wasn’t about to kick her out. I promised him I’d keep an eye out for her.”

“What?” Lauren hits his arm, making him look to her. “You knew he was planning on leaving?”

Legs gives himself away, his posture suddenly stiffening. He better not look at me for backup. “He told me not to tell you,wanted to keep you out of this.”

“Out of what?” She squares up to him.

“Your uncle!” he shouts looking concerned. “Jay wasn’t sure if your uncle would come looking for you, or if he’d wait until you resurfaced. He knew I was prospecting. Jay figured you’d be better off with me around than him.”

“Why would he think that?”

Legs puts a hand on her arm but must feel my eyes penetrating his skin. He whips it off, stammering as he continues. “Your uncle’s not about to storm inhereand demand you go with him. But with time, it’s inevitable he’d want you both back with him. With you closer to the Rippers, he’ll look for Jay first.”

Lauren shakes her head, looking sad. “So, Jay’s never showing himself. Not unless my uncle…”

Not unless the cunt dies. I stand straighter, spying everyone reading my thoughts.

Lauren sighs. “Will you do it?” I see a stray tear run down her cheek. A plea for me to help bring her brother home to her. I will, but we’re absolutely not having this conversation.

“Can you take over?” I nod towards the laptop, looking at Legs.

He bends, taps a few keys then nods. Good.

“Travis, make sure he gets in. We have until tomorrow.” That’s it. That’s all we fucking have. I move, ushering Lauren away from the laptop. “Come on.”

“But I can help.”

I give her a smile. “You’ve done enough, kid.”

Pulling out a chair for her, she takes a seat. “But, what do I do now?” she asks.

I drop my arse to the chair opposite her, raking a hand through my hair. “How about, you don’t worry about any of this stuff, and tell me what you thought about the house. We didn’tget to talk much after I left you.”

With a wipe of her eyes, Lauren smiles, genuinely. “I loved it. You and Mads will be so happy there.”

I brush a few crumbs to the floor, then lean my elbows on the table, waiting for her to look at me. “Will you?”

She draws back, startled, her eyes bright like jewels. “What?” she questions.

I smile at her reaction. “You heard, kid.”

“I… are you for real? You would have me live with you?” Her voice cracks.

I can’t help the tightening of my face. It’s an automatic reaction to hearing her think so little of herself. “I’dwantyou to live with us, yes. But for Mads’ sake, you’d have to stop the swearing.”

She laughs a little, sniffing. “Like a real family.” When she looks up to me, there’s a zing that punches between us. A moment like the crashing of waves. I see her sense her belonging. See her realise she really does have people who care for her.

Then click.

I sink in my chair.