“Provided Sodom Saviours are with us, we can find new business with them. Either that, or you leave the past well and truly behind you. Chat to Ronnie and call a complete seize fire. Lord knows he needs it, the way I hear things have been churning for him.”
Ain’t that the truth. I nod picking up my phone. “I’ll up our order, have it secured before we meet Vincent.”
Travis nods then leaves, closing the door behind him.
I hit call to our supplier.
I hold the phone away from my ear as the woman’s voice shouts down the phone.
“Where’s Daniel?” I ask, also wondering why the hell our usual supplier isn’t answering the phone. I hold it out in front of me, checking I have the right number. I do.
“Dead!... Dean?... Is that you?”
I let out a sigh. “Fuck. Yeah, Ray, it’s me. I need your help.”
“Where the fuck’s Rocco?” she barks.
“Dead,” I let her know, wishing he wasn’t.
I don’t beat around the bush. “I need to triple our order.”
There’s a pause. Even she knows we only ever order what we need for personal stock. “Is this gonna blow up in my face, Dean? I swear to Hades I will skin you alive!”
I laugh under my breath. “No. Always a pleasure, Ray, say hi to the chuckle brothers for me.” Then I hang up, holding my phone to my top lip.
The pressure keeps mounting. The road so far has been nothing but twists and finding out some pretty hard truths.
Stopping Costa. Getting out. There’s still work to be done.
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Having said goodbye to Mollie as we left the clubhouse, I decide to stop in at work. My desire to know what’s going on with Dean may have increased tenfold, but seeing his reaction to us following him… I don’t want that again.
The view from Mollie’s car wasn’t great, but she was right about the farm. A field full of pigs, a few tractors sat in an open barn; the place was pretty quiet until Travis and Dean showed up, followed by a truck. A truck so similar to Jack’s back in Australia, the sight of it put me in a spin.
For the briefest of moments, I could have sworn it was him. But it couldn’t have been.
I must be losing my mind.
Grabbing the painkillers from my top drawer, I feel Vivian watching me like a hawk. “Problem?” I ask, closing the drawer and turning to her.
“No problem. Just, kids aren’t in school for another week, and we could have caught up over the phone, so I’m wondering why you’re really here?”
“Um,” I stall, picking up a file from my desk. “Needed to get everything together before I go on leave.” I shake it in the air.
Vivian pouts. “You have a little over a month before you go on maternity leave. Don’t give me that crap, Madison.”
I snap my eyes to hers. I actually don’t have a reason for coming in, other than to give myself something to do. “You can be so rude sometimes.”
“I know,” she laughs deviously. “Everything okay with Lauren? Is it Dean?”
“What?” I rub between my eyes. “Uh, yeah, Lauren’s absolutely fine. Things are going well at home and at school. It’s her birthday soon.”